subtract, sign, symbol, scalene triangle, second, segment, semicircle, series, set, slope, solid, sphere, solve, solution, square root, sum, surface, symmetric, and side.
I have never ever heard the word "math" pronounced that way - except in the sentence: "Math's my favorite subject!"Answer:More common in Britain "mathematics" is contracted to "maths" rather than "math" (North American usage) to maintain the "s" in the original word. The plural is more correct as there is more than one area of mathematics to be studied.
Math word problems.
what word comes to mind when you hear the word math
Math words that start with o are operation, order, octagon,ordinary,and more to come!
The word increased in a math problem means you are adding to terms or numbers.
S words in Math:scalene trianglescatterplotsemicircleseriesspheresubtractsumsymmetryshapes, square, solidsquare root
I do not know of such a word related to math(s)
Kilogram and Kilometer are math words. They begin with the letter k.
yes if subtract counts as one.
BinomialBisectorBrackets One word can be "binomial". Another word can be" bracket[s]"
There is no word - in mathematics or elsewhere - that starts with "younteand".