Estimated is like taking a guess as to what the answer would be. Example: 597 + 635 estimated 600 + 600 = estimated guess 1200 with the correct answer being 597 + 635 = 1232 For estimated 345 it could be estimated at 300 or 400
Purchase order
An estimated difference is when you can't be bothered to calculate the exact number, so you simplify things a bit. An estimate for 800-something - 400-something would be 400.
That naturally depends on how fast you count. If you count at the rate of 10 per second and never take a break, it would take you roughly 1081 years . That's about (7 x 1070) times the estimated time elapsed since the Big Bang.
My very estimated guess would be NO!
How about 9/10
That would be 3 x 10^14 .
10 years
The estimate would be 1/5 or 20%. The actual is 5/28 or 17.86%
As a whole number it would not need estimating, but it would probably be estimated to the nearest 10, which would round it to 210.
The estimated flight time would be 10 hours and 6 minutes.
It would be estimated to 5.
No. It would be estimated to 1300.
The estimated answer is 1.
You will need an estimated $500-$600 pounds to stay 10 days in Scotland.
Most people would estimate that as 6 (an overestimate) + 4 (an underestimate) which would estimate the answer as 10, which is an underestimate.