A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 1213, exactly as in the question.
13/50 = 0.26
0.173333 repeating
13/12 is in its simplest form.
13/8 = 13 ÷ 8 = 1.625
13/13 + 12/14 = 13/7 or 16/7
13/12 = 1.08333
10/13 as a decimal is a recurring decimal of 6 digits: 0.769230769230... An approximation would be 0.769
13/15 = 0.8666...
13 over twenty as a decimal is 0.65.
13 over 200 as a decimal is 0.065
13 over 9 in decimal notation = 1.4444...13/9:= 13 ÷ 9= 1.4444... in decimal
13 over what? * * * * * Does not need to be 13 over anything. The decimal representation of 13 is 13 - exactly as in the question!
It is: 13/20 = 0.65 as a decimal
13/12 = 1.0833... recurring.
13/10000, as a decimal = 0.0013
It is: 13/20 = 0.65 as a decimal
It is: 13/20 = 0.65 as a decimal