9.955 rounded to 1 decimal would be 10.0
425.67 rounded to one decimal place value would be 425.7.
what is 8.99 rounded to 1 decimal place
It is 49.3 to 1 decimal place because .25 is rounded up to .3
9.955 rounded to 1 decimal would be 10.0
8.41 rounded one decimal place would be 8.4
425.67 rounded to one decimal place value would be 425.7.
Oh, isn't that a happy little question! To write 13.4271 to 1 decimal place, you simply look at the digit right after the decimal point. In this case, the digit is 4, which is less than 5, so we keep the 3 as it is and remove all the digits after the first decimal place. So, 13.4271 to 1 decimal place is 13.4.
To round 2.818 to the nearest one decimal place, you would look at the digit in the second decimal place, which is 1. Since 1 is less than 5, you would round down. Therefore, 2.818 rounded to the nearest one decimal place is 2.8.
If you are looking for a percentage with 1 decimal place, you already have it: 14.4%. If you are looking to write it as a decimal and not a percentage, you would round it down to .1
It is 4.5
Would be to one decimal place to the right of the decimal point. Look at the number to the right and round up at 5 and higher or down 4 and under. Therefore 7.446 to one decimal place would be 7.4
It is already in 1 decimal place
8.99 rounded to 1 decimal place would be 9.0
When rounding 3.25 to 1 decimal place, you look at the second decimal place, which is 5. Since 5 is equal to or greater than 5, you round up the first decimal place. Therefore, 3.25 rounded to 1 decimal place is 3.3.