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Could be up to 150.00. Depends on the condition of the lithograph (if it is a litho) or if it is a reproduction. In that case about $20

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Q: What would a Zula Kenyon home of the Bluebird 15 x 20 be worth in a frame?
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Would you find a bluebird at a dam?

yes you would

What eats a fairy bluebird?

Scavengers would eat these birds.

Why is Archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon so controversial?

I would say that she is esteemed.

Would you find bluebirds in Mississippi?

Yes. The Eastern bluebird is common there.

What rhymes with bluebird?

Something that rhymes with bluebird would be "huebird".anything ending in ird, ard, erd. so quite a lot. Search for a rhyming dictionary - there are several on the net.

If you knock down one pin and it was number 8 how many points would you get?

Knocking down one pin in a frame would net you one point for that frame. If the previous frame was a strike, then the previous frame would be worth 11 points (10 pins for the strike plus the total pin count of the next two shots 10+1+0=11).

Picture framed by the Franklin Frame Company in Chicago IL No 4031?

I have two paintings with theses numbers on it....... How much would they be worth ?

Why would a bluebird leave a nest with eggs in it?

If the Bluebird is too old or too ill to take on care of the baby birds it will leave the nest and let another bird care for them. 98% of eggs are found and raised to adulthood. The 2% of eggs that aren't found doesn't affect the Bluebird's population

What is the genus name for a bluebird?

The scientific name of the eastern bluebird is Sialia sialis.

What is a thonet bentwood chair worth?

These chairs are common but are collected. If it is a single dining chair, then it would not be worth very much. A set of 6 or 8 dining chairs would be worth more. If it is an single easy chair with a more complex frame, then it might be worth more money but it would be impossible to value it without seeing a photograph.

How old is Kathleen Kenyon?

Kathleen Kenyon was born on January 5, 1906 and died on August 24, 1978. This would have been 72 years old at the time of death or 104 years old today.

Can a bluebird and a canary breed?

No They are very different species and even if they attempted to mate, their eggs would be infertile.