That's 62.5%
Most grading charts consider anything under 65% to be a failing grade.
95% A
To calculate the grade for 143 out of 200 points, you would divide 143 by 200 to get 0.715. To convert this decimal to a percentage, you would multiply by 100 to get 71.5%. Therefore, the grade for 143 out of 200 points is 71.5%.
125/200- = 5/8 = 0.625
The Greatest Common Factor of 25, 125, 200: 25
As a percentage 125 out of 200 points = 62.5%
95% A
171.5 points out of 200 points is equivalent to 85.75%. In a standard grading system, this would typically fall within the range of a high B grade.
To calculate the grade for 143 out of 200 points, you would divide 143 by 200 to get 0.715. To convert this decimal to a percentage, you would multiply by 100 to get 71.5%. Therefore, the grade for 143 out of 200 points is 71.5%.
125 and 200=25
You would get 97.5% or an A ;)
68% D+
Not evenly. 200 divided by 125 equals 1 with a remainder of 75.