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It would get salty! duhhh

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Q: What would happen if you placed a peeled apple in a 5 percent salt solution?
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It will shrink.

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A red blood cell, when placed in 50% NaCl solution, will shrink as the water contained in it will be sucked into the surrounding solution doe to the osmotic pressure difference.

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when raisins are placed in concentrated solution of sugarthen they will swell up

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it swells and burst

When freshly peeled potatoes are placed into a bowl of pure water what will happen to the potatoes?

They will stay the same And not changeMore information:Placing peeled raw potatoes in water prevents oxidation; the potatoes will not turn dark as they would if left peeled and uncovered.

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Water would exit the cell causing the cell to shrink until an equilibrium is reached.

What will happen when a gram positive bacterium is placed in a aqueous solution of lysozyme and 10 percent sucrose?

The cell of Gram+ bacteria will break down against lysozyme and the cell will be injured but when it placed in sucrose the nutrient will be absorbed by the surface