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its Japanese, its a Japanese ritual suicide by disbowlment, its usually reserved for a samurai and die with honor. seppuku is like plunging into the stomach and moving it left. practincing of committing suppuku to ones death of a master, known as oibara.

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Q: What would seppuku mean to a sumurai?
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Samurai would commit Seppuku to avoid disgrace and dishonour upon them, their families and their country.

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What is the difference between hara kiri and seppuku?

Harakiri is a less respectful name for Seppuku

What does harakiri mean in Japanese?

Harakiri means literally 'cutting the belly'. It is a colloquial and considered somewhat vulgar term for 'Seppuku, a ritual suicide by self-disembowelment on a sword; practiced by samurai men in the traditional Japanese society. Women samurai needed special approval for committing seppuku. The practice of committing seppuku at the death of one's master is known as tsuifuku though the ritual is basically the same. Seppuku ( lit."belly-cutting") is better known in English as harakiri and is written with the same kanji (traditional characters) as seppuku but in reverse order with an okurigana.

What is sumurai?

A samurai is a type of japenese ninja,that is how I would put it. There just like soldiers that serve their country, just llike the army.

What is a Seppuku?

it is a sanurai's ritual

When a samurai kills himself what is it called?

Seppuku - a ritual for killing yourself. (an answer ten years in the making)

What do the samurai do in their pastime?

Commit seppuku.

How do you get past the sumurai when your a ninga on poptropica?

you have to go to the prison and climb up the wall.