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Q: What would the percent of any element after two half lives?
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What percent of carbon14 is left after 5 half-lives?

3.125% would be left over.

A sample of a radioactive element has a mass of 80 g. How much parent and daughter materials are in the sample after two half-lives?

A half-life is the amount of time it takes for half of the material to decay. So if you started with 80g After 1 half-life you would have 40 g After 2 half-lives you would have 20 g After three half-lives you would have 10 g

Which statement is true about half-lives a Different atoms of the same element have different half-lives. b Each radioactive isotope has its own half-life. c All radioactive nuclides of an element?

The correct answer is: Half-lives are not affected by temperature.

How long it would take for 99.9 percent of Cs to decay if its half-life is 30 years?

10 half-lives or 300 years.

What is the half-life of every radioactive element?

The same element can have different half-lives, for different isotopes. You can find a list at the Wikipedia article "List of radioactive isotopes by half-life". This list is NOT complete; a complete list would have about 3000 nuclides (that is, isotopes).

How much cesium is left after 4 half-lives?

1/16 of the original sample of any unstable element remains after 4 half lives.

How can half lives be shortened?

Half life of an element can't be changed.. It is a characteristic of a radioactive element which is independent of chemical and physical conditions.. Half life is that time in which half of radioactive sample( i.e., a radioactive element) decomposes. So no matter what amount you take half life of an element remains same.

What percent of potassium-40 remains after two half-lives?


After three half-lives what percent of the radioactive isotope is remaining?

12.5% is remaining.

How many half-lives have passed for 50 percent of the original radioactive material?

One half-life.

How many half-lives have passed?

To determine how many half-lives have passed, you would need to divide the total time passed by the half-life of the substance. The result would give you the number of half-lives that have occurred.

An element has 2 naturally occuring isotopesIsotopes 1 has a mass of 106.905 amu and a relative abundance of 51.8 percent and Isotopes 2 has a mass of 108.904 amu and abundance of 48.2 percent Find th?

The element is Silver. This site give all the half-lives and isotopes for all of the elements by name <>