calculated in 2011, the year of birth was 1998 . if you were born in the beggining of the year it is 1999
10 year old was born in 2000.
she was born in the year 2000
If you are 11 years old, you were born in the year that is 11 years before the current year. For example, if the current year is 2022, then you were born in 2011.
If you were born in 1941, you would be 71 this year, being 2012.
kaka was fifa 2007 player of the year
FIFA World Player of the Year ended in 2009.
FIFA World Player of the Year was created in 1991.
The best football player of year 2008 by FIFA?
1970 fifa world cup.
This year fifa player of the year was Lionel Messi.
Fifa 13 coming out and fifa 12 is so last year
1970 fifa world cup
Fifa 12 came out in year 2011 in late september. It was a nice version of the game at that time providing the gamer with nice controls as well as graphics. Since the, fifa 13 and fifa 14 came adding up to the beauty of fifa 12.
The Brazilian Ronaldo Lima won the fifa footballer of the year in 2002
No Messi was either a baby or not born in 1993, the winner was Roberto baggio of Italy.