As today is the 2nd January 2010, and you are currently 52 years old you were born in the year 1957.
Approximately 1/52 of a year. There are about 52 weeks in one year.
A year has 52 week, therefore 5 weeks is 5/52 year (which is approx 0.096 year).
52 weeks in a year 1000 x 52 = 52000
51 If your birthday is after today's date. 52 if your birthday is today or before today. (2011)
As today is the 2nd January 2010, and you are currently 52 years old you were born in the year 1957.
there are 52 weeks in a year. origanal 52.142857
if you are asking how many weeks in a year the answer is 52
He was born in year 570 Ad and left Makkah (or Mecca) in year 622 AD. So, he was 52 years old.He was born in year 570 Ad and left Makkah (or Mecca) in year 622 AD. So, he was 52 years old.
52 weeks in a year A year has 52 weeks, and 53 Thursdays at the most There are 52 weeks in a year.
There are about 52 weeks in a year
Approximately 1/52 of a year. There are about 52 weeks in one year.
Approximately 1/52 of a year. There are about 52 weeks in one year.
There are 52 working weeks in a year, unless you are a teacher. If you get paid vacation, you can subtract one or two weeks.
52 weeks = ONE year !
On your birthday in 2010, your age would change from 52 to 53. If your birthday has already passed this year you are 53 but if it is not you are still 52 but will turn 53 by the end of the year.