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2nd of April 1948

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Q: What year did Emily Rodda was born?
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When was Emily Rodda born?


What age is Emily Rodda in 2017?

Emily Rodda (Jennifer Rowe) is 69, born in 2 April 1948

Where was Emily Rodda when she was born?

New South Wales

Is Emily Rodda an Australian?

Yes she is but Emily Rodda is not her real name

What is Emily Rodda's email address?

Emily Rodda, whose real name is Jennifer Rowe, is an Australian author. Emily was born on April 2, 1948. There does not appear to be a public e-mail address available for Emily however, her Twitter name is at Emily Rodda and she also has an official website.

Did Emily Rodda win book of the year?

Yes, I think last year she did.

Who are Emily Rodda's parents?

Emily Rodda's parents are Frank Gruen and Silvia Matas.

How old is Emily Rodda?

she is 61 and was born 2nd April 1948

When is Emily rodda's birthday?

Emily Rodda's birthday is April 2, 1948. Emily Rodda's real name is Jennifer Rowe and she is an author who writes crime fiction novels.

Where can you read Emily Rodda books online?

I want to have access to Emily rodda books to read online.

Where did Emily rodda grow up?

Emily Rodda, whose real name is Jennifer Rowe, was born in Sydney, Australia. She spent her childhood in the suburb of Killara in Sydney.

Who is Emily rodda?

Australian Author