calculated in 2011, the year of birth was 1998 . if you were born in the beggining of the year it is 1999
10 year old was born in 2000.
she was born in the year 2000
If you are 11 years old, you were born in the year that is 11 years before the current year. For example, if the current year is 2022, then you were born in 2011.
If you were born in 1941, you would be 71 this year, being 2012.
Emily Rodda (Jennifer Rowe) is 69, born in 2 April 1948
New South Wales
Yes she is but Emily Rodda is not her real name
Emily Rodda, whose real name is Jennifer Rowe, is an Australian author. Emily was born on April 2, 1948. There does not appear to be a public e-mail address available for Emily however, her Twitter name is at Emily Rodda and she also has an official website.
Yes, I think last year she did.
Emily Rodda's parents are Frank Gruen and Silvia Matas.
she is 61 and was born 2nd April 1948
Emily Rodda's birthday is April 2, 1948. Emily Rodda's real name is Jennifer Rowe and she is an author who writes crime fiction novels.
I want to have access to Emily rodda books to read online.
Emily Rodda, whose real name is Jennifer Rowe, was born in Sydney, Australia. She spent her childhood in the suburb of Killara in Sydney.
Australian Author