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Q: What year did Pythagoras become a teacher?
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Who was Thales to Pythagoras?

A teacher

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she become a teacher at the age of 20

What did Pythagoras do?

Pythagoras was a teacher, but he also was the first to prove Pythagorean math correct

What year did Clara Barton become at teacher?

she became a teacher in 1838

What was the name of Pythagoras's first teacher?

one of pythagoras teachers names was Homer. Homer was a greek writer

How can I be an online English teacher?

There are a few steps to getting the schooling and training to become a English Teacher. There are both 2 year and 4 year degrees in English education that will allow you to become a Teacher.

What is required to become a teacher?

In order to become a teacher for high schools you must have a four year degree. You also have to get a teaching degree.

When did Pythagoras go to crotton?

go get a job and tell your teacher that Pythagoras doesn't matter and then tell her that know one cares about MATHS! Hope you liked my answer

Can a person become a high school teacher with a sociology degree?

Yes if they undertake teacher training - think it is one year

Why did Pythagoras become famous?

Pythagoras became famous for proving that Pythagoras' theorem was correct, making other famous Greeks like Plato and Aristotle inspired to be a mathematician.

Which year did Pythagoras die?

500 b.C.

What year was Pythagoras born in?

48 bc