calculated in 2011, the year of birth was 1998 . if you were born in the beggining of the year it is 1999
10 year old was born in 2000.
she was born in the year 2000
If you are 11 years old, you were born in the year that is 11 years before the current year. For example, if the current year is 2022, then you were born in 2011.
If you were born in 1941, you would be 71 this year, being 2012.
The bigest holiday in Hong Kong is the Chinese New Year. It is the Chinese New Year because Hong kong is in China.
2011! This year Hong Kong won.
In which year did Hong Kong become part of China after 156 years of British rule?
hong kong
Stephen Chow was born in June of 1962 in Hong Kong, China. He has had a varied career featuring roles in movies, writing movies, directing movies and even stint in politics.
This nevered happened.Well it did! Actually Hong Kong gained its independence from Britain on 1st July 1997.
Hong Kong uses its own currency, The Hong Kong Dollar. It is accepted all over Hong Kong, The New Territories and Macau.Hong Kong Dollars
Amy Yip is a very well known and popular Chinese Actress. She is especially popular in regions such as Hong Kong. Amy Yip was born on the date July 10, 1965.