Depends. As of 2010, 21 or 22. 21 if born after today's date.
2011 - 21 = 1990
Depending on their exact birth date their age would be: Between January and Today: 2010-1988=22 Between Today and December: 2009-1988=21 Therefore, the person can be either 21 or 22 years old if they were born in the year 1988.
You would turn 21 in the year you were born plus 21 years. So, if you were born in 2000, you would turn 21 in 2021.
The calculation would be Current Year - 21 = Birth Year. To be 21 today, you have to be born on or before today's date of that year. Example: Today is June 27, 2007. 2007 - 21 = 1986. You are at least 21 years old today if you were born on or before June 27, 1986.
2001 is the birth year for 20 yr olds the year of 2021!
Well, say its 2020, It is right now. But 2020-21=1999. And so on.
1992 (today = 16 March 2013).
As of January 2010 the year of birth would be 1989 and will turn 21 on April 1st.
You turn 30 today! Congratulations, you are no longer a young person, you have become an adult.
Current year: 2011 Year born: - 1977 ______ 0034 Today is April 21, 2011 so... you are almost 34 years old.
At the moment she is 20. She'll turn 21 on December 22. She is born in the year 1989.
Add 21 to the year: 1987 + 21 = 2008 → You turned 21 on 9th April 2008.