If you were born in 1995, then in 2011, you're 15 years old until your birthday, and on your birthday in 2011 you turn 16.
If you are 64 years old, which year where he born
If you are 21 years old, you were born in 1990. (2011)
If the person has already had their birthday this year they were born in 1963, if they will be 48 this year they were born in 1962.
Right now, it is 2013, so if you are 20 years old, you were born in 1992 or 1993. In general, if a person is 20 years old, that means that they were born in the year (this year minus 20) or (this year minus 21).
He is fifteen years old He is 15 (fifteen) years old
Fifteen years old as of May, 2008.
No, the girl must be 18 years old.
Fifth year students at Hogwarts are fifteen years old. Most students will turn sixteen throughout the school year.
no it is not. they aren't more than two years apart.
If you were born in 1995, then in 2011, you're 15 years old until your birthday, and on your birthday in 2011 you turn 16.
I'm pretty sure she is fifteen this year. She was in my school last year as an 8th grader, so I think fifteen
In the novel of Holes Stanley Yelnats is fifteen years old...
If you are 64 years old, which year where he born
she is fifteen years old today she was born in the 2000s I'm not sure what month tho