you would be born in 1927. all you do to get the answer is minus your age from the current year.
Ages are usually expressed in years, truncated down to the nearest year. This means that if we subtract 1929 from the current year, 2013, and get 84, that is our age if our birthday is today's date (March 6 in my time zone as I type this) or earlier. If our birthday occurs later in the year, we will turn 84 on our birthday, but we are currently only 83.
a year is 12 months so 84/12=7, 7years7 years
There are 84/12 = 7 years
7 years
If you turned 84 in 2010, you were born in 1926.
you would be 1 year old
If someone was born in December 1927, they would turn 84 years old in December 2011.
Dogs age at 7 years compared to one human year... thus your 12 year old dog would be 84 years old in human years
84 years old because she was born in 1844 and died in 1926. You subtract those and you get 84 years old.
A 10-year-old on Earth would be approximately 17 years old on Uranus. This is because one year on Uranus is equivalent to about 84 Earth years due to its longer orbital period around the sun.
Assuming you will have celebrated your birthday, you will be 2076 - 1991 = 85 years old. If you had not yet celebrated your birthday, you would be 84.
If you lived on Uranus, you would age about 84 years for every Earth year that passes due to its long orbital period of 84 Earth years.
no she died when was 84 years old not when born
If you are 11 years old on Earth, you would be approximately 0.85 years old on Uranus. This is because a year on Uranus is about 84 Earth years.
there are 7 cat years to 1 human year so 7 x 12 =84 feline years