Take 21 from the current year if you have had your birthday, if you have yet to have your birthday in the current year take away 22
2011 - 21 = 1990
If you are 21 years old, you were born in 1990. (2011)
The year of 1991
1996 + 21 = 2017
People turning 21 in 2018 were born in 1997.
You would turn 21 in the year you were born plus 21 years. So, if you were born in 2000, you would turn 21 in 2021.
If you are 21 in 2013, then you were born in 1992.
2011 - 21 = 1990
If you are 21 years old, you were born in 1990. (2011)
2015 − 1994 = 21 Therefore, you would have been born in1994
The calculation would be Current Year - 21 = Birth Year. To be 21 today, you have to be born on or before today's date of that year. Example: Today is June 27, 2007. 2007 - 21 = 1986. You are at least 21 years old today if you were born on or before June 27, 1986.