Scientists believe that the biggest number in the world is currently hovering around 47,368,591,779,290; they speculate, however, that this may increase with inflation.
(There is no biggest number in the world. It keeps going on forever!)
The biggest number in the world ever created, with an actual name is the number called Googol, witch has 100 zeros and 1 one in it. So, the biggest number WITH a name is called Googol.
(MAYBE ONLY) Mathematically, there is no biggest number because if you were to identify any number and call it the biggest, it would always be possible to make a bigger one. Big number +1 = bigger number. Perhaps the answer you are looking for is infinity. (ACTUAL ANSWER) INFINITY IS A MATH SYMBOL .Plus the biggest number is a googaplax. Even if you say googaplax +1 (or bigger)there is no such thing.
There is no biggest number - they go on forever.Some might say that the answer is infinity while others will argue that infinity is a mathematical concept (just as numbers are) but is not itself a number.As we all know numbers go on and on and on. It is proven that there is no such thing as the biggest number in the world. we cannot really know what the biggest number is because the number system go on they really don't have specific number. We really dont know what the biggest number is.there is no limit to the amount of numbers because you can also add on at least one morewhat is the bigest number in the world?Numbers never end.You could say infinaty thoughthe biggest number in the world is unknown it just keeps going on and onNumbers never ever stop so there is no "biggest" number. Numbers just go on and on forever.There is no biggest number as you can continue to add numbers to infinity... etc infinity +1. But there is a number called a googol which is 1 and 100 zero's.It is infinity as for example the mathematical constant for pi of a circle has never been determined.
While it is a rather large number, on the biggest number scale the Graham's number is the largest by far. See the related link for more information.
Well...You first Look at the biggest number. Then look and say whats 636 Equal to 3 ? and your answer is 896
up your bum
It isn't the biggest number,just the biggest component.
Jahre Viking - (scrapped in January 2010)
google is the biggest number in the world and google is a real number
The biggest snake in the whole world is called the Anaconda. Im guessing it can weigh up to about 500 pounds? That's just what i think but the biggest snake is definetly the anaconda.
The blue whale is the largest whale whats more its the biggest animal in the whole world!
The blue whale is the largest whale whats more its the biggest animal in the whole world!
The biggest number in the world ever created, with an actual name is the number called Googol, witch has 100 zeros and 1 one in it. So, the biggest number WITH a name is called Googol.
The biggest named number is called "googolplex." It is 10 raised to the power of a googol, where a googol is 10 raised to the power of 100. In other words, a googolplex is 1 followed by a googol number of zeros.
(MAYBE ONLY) Mathematically, there is no biggest number because if you were to identify any number and call it the biggest, it would always be possible to make a bigger one. Big number +1 = bigger number. Perhaps the answer you are looking for is infinity. (ACTUAL ANSWER) INFINITY IS A MATH SYMBOL .Plus the biggest number is a googaplax. Even if you say googaplax +1 (or bigger)there is no such thing.
Numbers are infinite, which means they have no end. For that reason, there is no biggest number.