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Q: When a rate is written as money per item a unit rate is called?
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How do you solve a unit rate?

you divide the money over the item.

How is the cost of interest similar to the price of any merchandise item?

The interest rate is such that the supply of money available to lend matches the demand for money to be borrowed.

Simple definition of Repo Rate?

Repo rate is the rate at which RBI lends money to scheduled banks. Its also called Repurchase rate. Reverse Repo Rate is the rate at which RBI borrows money from banks.

What is the rate called where The Federal Reserve can control the supply of money by adjusting the interest rate it charges the borrowers.?

discount rate

What is money call rate in banking?

Generally Call Money in Banking means the money Banks borrow and lend among themselves. This is generally for a day. So the rate at which these funds are lent is the call money rate. Beyond one day its called notice money.

The federal reserve can control the supply of money by adjusting the interest rate it charges the borrowers what is the rate called?

discount rate👍🏽

The federal reserve can control the supply of money by adjusting the interest rate it charges the borrowers. What is the rate called?

discount rate👍🏽

The Federal Reserve can control the supply of money by adjusting the interest rate it charges the borrowers. What is this rate called?

discount rate👍🏽

How much money does a chicken sales man makes?

Is money are about place were shop located and rate of the item,cleans.Is money near 500 to800 per noramal day,at Sunday 1500 to2000.

What has the author C A Enoch written?

C A. Enoch has written: 'The direction of causality between the exchange rate, prices and money'

What is the percentage of interest you must pay for borrowing money is called?

The Intest rate

What is the name of the cambodian money?

Cambodian money is called Riel. Exchange rate is about 4000 Riels to 1 US dollar.