Measure length times height for a wall's square feet. If the room has doorways or cabinets in the way, you can break the room's walls into easier to figure areas and then add up all the measurements to get the total square footage for an entire room. Refer to the paint can for the coverage of the paint and calculate how many cans you will need. Do not forget that only one coat of paint is calculated for. If you need two coats, you will of course need twice the amount of paint. Many home improvement stores have websites and calculators for how much paint to purchase for your project and also if you plan on using a primer to base coat the wall. See the related link for a calculator.
There are 3 primary colours: Red, Blue, Yellow Primer numbers are infinite and are numbers that are only divisible by themselves and one: (1), 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 etc I would say that what they have in common is that they are not made up of anything except for themselves. That is to say, Green, for example is made from mixing Blue with Yellow. In the same way, Eight can be made by multiplying 4 and 2. However, Red is Red and Seven is Seven. Neither can be formed by the mixture or multiplication of any other combination of ingredients. Essentially, these colours/numbers are the foundations upon which all other colours/numbers are built. Hope this is of some use to you.
In medieval Europe it was generally accepted that the Earth lay at the centre of a finite universe and that the sun, planets and stars orbited around it. The framework in which this astronomy was set was established by Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) in the fourth century BC while in the second century AD Ptolemy (c. 100 - 170 AD) devised a detailed yet different geocentric astronomical system (Chalmers, 1976). During the early part of the sixteenth century, Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 - 1543) developed the first heliocentric theory of the universe (Blackburn, 1994) which he presented in 'De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium Libri Sex' (Six Books on the Revolution of the Celestial Orbs). The Copernican astronomy involved a moving Earth, which challenged the Aristotelian and Ptolemaic systems but by the time the Copernican view had been substantiated, the Aristotelian world-view had been replaced by the Newtonian theories of inertia, gravitation and motion (Chalmers, 1976). The purpose of this paper is to examine how the theories of Copernicus contributed to the emergence of a scientific world-view, a view that encompassed a paradigmatic shift in world-view orientation from the medieval explanations of nature. Before the impact of the work of Copernicus can be fully appreciated however, it is necessary to have an understanding of the historical and social conditions that prevailed at that time. The medieval schema of the universe was geocentric. That is, the Earth remained stationary at the centre of the universe while the sun, the planets and all of the stars revolved around it. However, geocentricism had been under attack. Around 1375 The Occamists, particularly in Paris had been busy with a critical philosophy and forward-looking scientific investigations. Despite retaining some of the teleological elements of Aristotelian physics, Buridan (c. 1295 - 1358) had developed a concept of inertia and of gravity as uniformly accelerated motion. Nicholas of Oresme invented the idea of analytic geometry, discovered the formula for uniformly accelerated motion and argued for the rotation of the Earth (Blake, Ducasse & Madden, 1960). Furthermore, Nicholas of Cusa (1401 - 1464) was associated with the doctrine of the 'concordance of contraries', an attack on the Aristotelian law of non-contradiction (Blackburn, 1994) and had been willing to entertain the idea that the Earth might be in motion. In fact it has been suggested that Copernicus owed to Cusa his view that a sphere set in empty space would begin to turn without needing anything to move it (Butterfield, 1957). Despite these pockets of revolutionary thinking, medieval philosophy remained locked in pantheistic mysticism (Norris-Clark, 1994). Philosophy of the time was subordinate to Christian theology and limited by subservience to dogma. The reverence and respect displayed to authorities of philosophy and theology characterised this thought as Scholasticism. Scholastics sought not to learn new facts, but to integrate the knowledge already acquired separately by Greek reasoning and Christian revelation. Furthermore, they believed in harmony between faith and reason (Copleston, 1992). Because the scholastics believed that revelation was the direct teaching of God, it possessed for them a higher degree of truth and certitude than did natural reason. Throughout the scholastic period, philosophy was called the servant of theology, not only because the truth of philosophy was subordinated to that of theology, but also because the theologian used philosophy to understand and explain the revelation. This concern is one of the most characteristic differences between Scholasticism and modern thought since the Renaissance (Norris-Clark, 2001). Scholastics applied the requirements for scientific demonstration as first specified in Aristotle's 'Organon' much more rigorously than previous philosophers had done. These requirements were so strict that Aristotle himself was rarely able to apply them fully beyond the realms of mathematics. It was this trend that finally led to the loss of confidence in natural human reason and philosophy that is characteristic of the early Renaissance and of the first Protestant religious reformers, such as Martin Luther (Norris-Clark, 2001). The Christian church, still reeling from the effects of both the schism of Eastern and Western churches (1054) and of the rival Popes (1378 - 1417) found itself facing an intensified call for reform that eventually erupted in the Protestant Reformation (O'Malley, 2001). Humanism, the revival of classical learning and speculative inquiry, displaced Scholasticism in Italy during the early Renaissance of the 15th Century and quickly spread to become the principle philosophy of Western Europe. This deprived church leaders of the monopoly on learning that they had previously held (Encarta, 2001). Martin Luther (1483 - 1546) initiated the Protestant revolution in Germany in 1517 when he published his 95 theses challenging the theory and practice of indulgences. The reform became very popular with the people and Germany became sharply divided along religious and economic lines. The reformation spread throughout Europe and led to the Peasants War (1524 - 1526). Not until 1534 when Paul III became pope did the church meet the challenge of the Protestants. Paul III, like many of his successors, did not hesitate to use both diplomatic and military measures against the Protestants. The Counter Reformation movement sought to revitalise the Roman Catholic Church. Subsequently, the Index of Forbidden Books and a new Inquisition were instituted about 1542 (O'Malley, 2001). Astronomers also were groping for reform at the time of the birth of Copernicus. By the time that Copernicus had finished his preliminary training in astronomy, his teachers had begun to realise that although an intensive study of Ptolemy's 'Almagest' was a necessary pre-requisite to further study, to know only Ptolemy was not going to be sufficient to rejuvenate astronomy (Boas, 1962). Indeed, some astronomers held that the Ptolemaic system was so cumbersome and inaccurate that it could not be true of nature. Copernicus himself eventually wrote in the preface to 'De Revolutionibus' that the astronomical tradition he had inherited had created only a monster (Kuhn, 1962). Further to this Kuhn (1962, p. 69) stated, "By the early sixteenth century an increasing number of Europe's best astronomers were recognising that the astronomical paradigm was failing in application to its own traditional problems. That recognition was prerequisite to Copernicus' rejection of the Ptolemaic paradigm and his search for a new one." Copernicus however, did not seem to have a revolutionary attitude and upon rejection of the Ptolemaic system he examined again the earlier Greek astronomy. The humanist principle that all knowledge must lie with the ancients still appeared viable. Copernicus attempted nothing that others had not tried before because many astronomers had used the ancients to refute Ptolemy, however Copernicus alone chose the Pythagorean system which was to have profound revolutionary implications (Boas, 1962). The historical evidence presented thus far suggests that Western Europe was in a state of several crises when Copernicus entered into the controversy and was ripe for a revolution of one type or another. However, Copernicus kept his work in abeyance for over thirty years and without the encouragement of George Rheticus (1514 - 1576) it is debatable whether his works would have been published at all, let alone before his death. At this point it is appropriate to note that Copernicus was a canon of the Roman Catholic Church and had been called upon by Pope Leo X to reform the calendar. The church was anxious that religious festivals be accorded their proper places in time. George Rheticus was a Protestant who was responsible for the publication of Copernicus's 'Narratio Primer' in 1540 though he handed over his position in the publication of 'De Revolutionibus' to a Lutheran pastor named Andreas Osiander (Boas, 1962). It is ironic that the Catholic Church was involved in the instigation of a reform that would eventually lead to erosion of their power over humanity. It is doubly so that it was done with the first hand assistance of two Protestants. Traditionally, Copernicus saw his finished work only on his deathbed in 1543 and much controversy has raged over his disinclination to publish in the years between 1512 and 1539. One possible reason is that he may have been afraid of official censure. This fear was not unfounded, as publication of 'De Revolutionibus' was antecedent to much comment and criticism. Central to the Copernican system lay the point which required the most reasoned argument and one which caused Copernicus to fear ridicule from his peers; the attribution of motion to the Earth. To assume in the sixteenth century that the Earth moved required a straining of well-assured fact that could amount to the absurdity provoked by the contrary argument today. Although his book was well received by the church and used to further calendar reform little attention was given at first to its heart, the new theory. (Boas, 1962). As mentioned previously in this paper it is inappropriate to suggest that the publication of Copernicus's great work shook any foundation of European thought immediately. A generation after his death the period of crucial transition commenced and the controversy over the correctness of the Ptolemaic or the Copernican tenet became intense. Almost one hundred and fifty years would pass before a theory of the universe that would permit explanation of the movement of the Earth and other planets was presented. This explanation, in turn, provided a framework for further scientific development. The influence of Copernicus was indeed important but it resulted not so much from his system of the skies but more from the stimulus that he gave to men who in reality were producing something very different (Butterfield, 1957). Kuhn (1962, p. 116) discusses paradigm-induced changes in scientific perceptions during the first half century after Copernicus's new paradigm was proposed. He states: "The very ease and rapidity with which astronomers saw new things when looking at old objects with old instruments may make us wish to say that, after Copernicus, astronomers lived in a different world. In any case, their research responded as though that were the case." (Kuhn 1962, p. 117). In Kuhn's 'The Copernican Revolution' Copernicus is presented as a highly proficient mathematical astronomer whose very narrow mindedness outside of his chosen domain blinded him to the destructive consequences that his technical reform of astronomy entailed for the entire traditional world-view (Cohen, 1994). Kuhn's point is important, for the heliocentric theories of Copernicus replaced the geocentric view of the cosmos that further threatened the authority of the church (Norris-Clark, 1994). No longer was humanity at the centre of the universe, about which all else revolved, but rather humanity was but one small part of a much larger system in constant movement. With the importance of humanity being decentred, people began to question more than that which faith held in high regard. This resulted in original and creative thought beginning to develop outside of the revered institutions of education (Copleston, 1994), and what emerged were fresh original minds, aching to be freed from the shackles of traditional thought. The geographical discoveries, the opening up of fresh sources of wealth and the questioning of the church, heralded a new era. In spite of this, most Renaissance scholars felt confident in tracing human history back in a continuous pedigree to Adam, the first human allowing man to retain his divinely fixed place in time and space. Finally, owing to a succession of geniuses, Copernican astronomy assimilated in the seventeenth century. This assimilation resulted in the displacement of the Earth, and man upon it. Rather than being central to the universe, the Earth and consequently mankind became insignificant elements in an infinite universe (Porter, 1990). Grant (1971) deliberates as to why the 14th century cosmological speculations failed to bring about a Scientific Revolution in the way that Copernicus's astronomical reform was able to do. According to Cohen (1994, p. 267) Grant states, "Saving the phenomena became the predominant attitude. The thing to do was to think up clever imaginations of how things might be rather than embark upon a relentless investigation of reality." Grant further argues that the physical realists of the 13th century failed to produce early modern science because of their lack of confidence of the human mind to penetrate nature. Copernicus succeeded because his work made possible for the first time "a potent union of new ideas that would challenge the traditional physics and cosmology….with the conviction, even if naive, that knowledge of physical reality was fully attainable." (Cohen, 1994, p. 267). Apart from a few eminent mathematicians like Rheticus and intellectual radicals like Bruno, nobody was bold enough to champion the work of Copernicus. It was the genius of Johannes Kepler (1571 - 1630) who seized upon it in the late 1580's (Burtt, 1952). However, the person who contributed most significantly to the defence of the Copernican system was Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642). He achieved this in two ways; first, he used the telescope to observe the heavens and transformed pure Copernican theory to theory substantiated through observational data. Second, he devised the beginnings of new mechanics and laid some foundations for Newtonian mechanics that would replace Aristotle's. In doing so, the mechanical arguments against Copernicus were diffused (Chalmers, 1976). The theory that Giordano Bruno (1548 - 1600) developed from the Copernican system was that the universe forms a system of countless worlds, each of which moves around its own sun. This governs each world that leads its own proper life, emerging from a chaotic condition to a clear and definite formation and again yields to the destiny of dissolution. From the significance of the Copernican theory the 'unlimitedness' of space and time gained a clearer form and ultimately the proven hypothesis of the motion of the Earth about the Sun could furnish a rational basis for the completely new view of man's position in the universe. The anthropocentric idea which had ruled the Middle Ages became incoherent and man, as well as the Earth, ceased to be regarded as the centre of the universe and centre of the world (Windleband, 1958). Kuhn (1957, p. 264) recognises this by stating: "The conception of a planetary Earth was the first successful break with a constitutive element of the ancient world view. Though intended solely as an astronomical reform, it had destructive consequences which could be resolved only within a new fabric of thought. Copernicus himself did not supply that fabric; his own conception of the universe was closer to Aristotle's than to Newton's. But the new problems and suggestions that derived from his innovation are the most prominent landmarks in the development of the new universe which that innovation had itself called forth." It is not within the scope of this paper to fully examine the far reaching implications upon science and indeed mankind that have resulted from the work of Copernicus. Through the evidence presented thus far it is apparent that the mathematical reform of astronomy initiated by him was a significant intellectual event. Subsequently it set in motion a preparatory movement in astronomical and physical thought which gradually expanded until it erupted in what is now referred to as the Scientific Revolution (Cohen, 1994). His planetary theories profoundly effected man's relation to God and the universe and further, were catalytic to the transition from a medieval to a modern Western society. The Copernican theory created tremendous controversies in religion, philosophy and social theory which have set the tenor of the modern mind (Kuhn, 1957). In conclusion, the work of Copernicus not only transformed mankind's conception of the universe but it has been markedly influential in the evolution of science and rational thought as we know it today.
Here are end rhymes: abler abner acre actor adder after aider alder altar alter amber ambler ampere anchor anger angler answer antler apter arbor archer ardor armor asher ashlar asker auger augur author aver azure babbler bachelor backer badger baffler bailer bailor baiter baker balder baler balker bander banker banner banter barber barer barker barter bather batter battler bawler beaker bearer beater beaver bedder beeper beggar bencher bender berber bestir better bettor bibber bicker bidder bigger biker bilker biller binder bircher biter bitter blabber blacker bladder blamer blander blanker blazer bleacher bleaker bleater bleeder blencher blender blighter blinder blinker blister blither bloater blocker blonder bloomer blooper blotter blower blubber blucher bluer bluffer blunder blunter blur bluster boarder boaster boater bobber boer boiler bolder bolster bomber bonder boner bonzer Booker boomer booster boozer bopper border borer botcher bother boulder bouncer bounder bower bowler boxer bracer bragger braider brander brasher braver brawler brazer brazier breaker breather breeder brewer briar briber bridler briefer brier brightener brighter bringer brisker broacher broader broider broiler broker bronzer brooder brother browner browser bruiser brusher brusker bubbler bucker buckler budder buffer bugger bugler builder bulbar bulgar bummer bumper bundler bungler bunker burger burgher burglar burner burr bursar buster bustler butcher butler butter buyer buzzer cackler cadger Caesar cager calker caller calmer camber camper camphor cancer candler candor caner canker canner canter cantor caper capper captor capture carder carer carter carver casher casper caster castor catcher cater caulker cauter cedar cellar censor censure centaur center chafer chaffer chamber chamfer chancellor chancer chandler changer chanter chapter charger charmer charter chaser chatter chaucer chauffeur cheaper cheater checker cheddar cheeper chewer chider chigger chiller chimer chipper chirper chiseler chitter choicer choker chooser chopper chortler chowder Chrysler chuckler chukker churner cider cinder cipher circler clabber clacker claimer clamor clapper clasher clasper clatter cleaner cleanser clearer cleaver clever clicker climber clincher clinger clinker clipper clobber clocker cloister closer closure cloture clouter clover clubber clunker cluster clutter coacher coarser coaster coaxer cobbler cocker coddler coder codger coffer coiffeur coiler coiner colder collar color comber comer concur condor confer conger conjure conker conquer cooker cooler cooper copper copter corder corer corker corner cotter coucher cougar counter coupler courser cover cower coyer crabber cracker crammer crasher crasser crater craver crawler creamer creaser creature creeper cribber crier crimper crippler crisper critter croaker crooner cropper crosser crowder cruder crueler crueller cruiser crupper crusher cuber culture cumber curer curler curser cursor curter cusser cuter cutler cutter cycler dabber dabbler dafter dagger damper dancer dander danger danker dapper darer darker darner darter dasher dater dauber daughter dawdler dazzler deader deafer dealer dearer debtor decker deeper defer defter delver demur denser denture denver deter dexter dialer diaper dicer dicker differ digger dimmer diner dinner dipper ditcher dither diver docker doctor dodder dodger doer doffer dollar donor doodler doper Doppler dormer doter dotter doubler doubter dover dower downer dowser dozer drabber drafter dragger dragster drainer draper drawer dreamer dredger drencher dresser dribbler drier drifter driller drinker dripper driver dropper drover drubber drummer drunker dryer dubber duffer duller dumber dumper dunker duper duster dweller dyer eager earner easer Easter eater Edgar edger eider either elder ember enter er err error eschar ester etcher ether euchre ever ewer eyer facer factor failure fainter fairer faker fakir falser falter farmer farther fastener faster father fatter favor fawner feaster feather feature feebler feeder feeler feigner femur fencer fender fervor fester fetcher fetter fever fewer fibber fiber fibre fiddler fielder fiercer fighter figure filcher filer filler filter finder finer finger fir fire firmer fisher fissure fitter fiver fixer fixture flanker flapper flasher flatter flaunter flavor flavour flayer fleecer fletcher flicker flier flincher flinger flipper flitter flivver floater flogger floorer flopper flounder flour flouter flower fluster flutter flyer fodder folder fonder footer forcer forger former foster founder fowler foyer fracture frailer framer freer freezer freighter fresher fretter friar frisker fritter frowner fryer fuhrer fuller fumbler funster fur furler furor further future gabber gabbler gadder gaffer gager gainer gaiter gambler gamer gamester gammer gander gangster gaper garbler garner garter gather gator gauger gaunter gaveller gayer gazer geezer geiger gender gentler gesture getter geyser gibber giber giggler gilder ginger girder giver glacier gladder glamor glamour glasser glazer glazier gleaner glibber glider glimmer glimpser glister glitter gloater glover glower glummer gnawer gobbler gofer goffer goiter golfer goner goober gooder gopher gouger governor grabber grader grafter grammar grander granter grantor grappler grasper grater graver grayer grazer greaser greater greener greeter greyer griever grifter griller grimmer grinder grinner griper gripper groaner grocer groomer groper grosser grounder grouper grower growler grubber gruffer grumbler grunter guarder guesser guider guilder gulper gunnar gunner gusher gutter guzzler hacker hackler haggler halter hammer hamper hamster handler hangar hanger hanker harbor harbour hardener harder harmer Harper harsher hatcher hater hatter hauler haunter hawker hazer header healer hearer heater heather heaver heckler hectare hector hedger heeler hefter heifer heister heller helper hemmer her herder hewer hider higher hiker hinder hinter hipper hipster hire hirer hisser hitcher hither Hitler hitter hoarder hoarser hoaxer hobbler hoer hoister holder holer holler holster homer honer honker honor hoofer hooker hooper hoosier hooter hoover hoper hopper horner horror hostler hotspur hotter hounder hour hover howler huckster huddler huger hugger huller humbler hummer humor hunger hunker hunter hurdler hurler husker hustler hyper idler incur infer injure inner inter jabber jacker jagger jailer jailor jammer jangler jasper jerker jester jibber jigger jilter jingler jitter jobber jodhpur jogger joinder joiner jointer joker jolter josher jostler jotter juggler juicer jumper juncture junior junker juror kaiser keeler keener keeper kegler kicker kidder killer kilter kinder kipper kisser kiter kneader knifer knitter knocker knower knuckler kosher kroner kronor labor lacer lacquer ladder ladler lamer lancer lander languor lapper lapser larger larkspur laser lasher laster later lather latter lauder laugher laughter launcher launder laver lawyer laxer layer lazar leacher leader leaguer leaker leaner leaper learner leaser leather lecher lecture ledger leisure lemur lender leper lesser letter lever lewder liar libber licker lieder lifer lifter lighter limber limner liner linger linker liqueur liquor lisper listener lister liter lither litre litter littler liver loader loafer loaner loather lobber lobster locker lodger logger loiter loner longer looker looper looser looter lopper loser louder lounger louver lover lower lubber lucre lugger lumber lunar lunger lunker lurer luster lustre Luther lyncher madder mailer maimer maitre major maker malar manger mangler manner manor mapper marcher marker martyr maser masher masker masseur master matcher mater matter mauler maunder mayor meager meaner measure meddler meeker member mender mentor mercer merger meter milder miler milieu milker miller mimer mincer miner mingler minor minster minter mirror miser mister miter mixer mixture mobster mocker modeler moistener moister moisture molar molder molter monger monster moocher mooter moper mortar mother motor mounter mourner mouser mover mower mr mucker muddler muenster muffler mugger muller multure mumbler mummer murder murmur muser muster mutter muzzler myrrh nacre nagger nailer napper nature nearer neater nectar needer needler neighbor neither nester nestler nether nettler neuter never newer nibbler nicer nicker niggler nigher nighter nimbler nipper niter nitre nobler nodder nuder nudger number nurser nurture nuzzler occur ocher odder odor offer ogler oglers ogre oiler older oldster ophir order Oscar osier ostler other otter our ouster outer over owner oyster pacer packer paddler painter paler pallor palmar palmer palter pamper pander pandor pannier panther paper pardner pardoner Parker parlor partner passer pastor pasture patcher patter pauper paver pawner payer payor pecker peddlar peddler peeler peeper pelter pepper per percher perjure perter pester peter petter pewter phaser philter philtre phosphor picker picture piker pilfer pillar pilsner pincer pincher pinker pinner piper pitcher pitter placer plaguer plainer planer planner plantar planter plaster platter player pleader pleaser pleasure pledger plier plodder plotter plower plucker plugger plumber plummer plumper plunder plunger plunker plusher poacher poinder pointer poker polar polder poler poller pollster ponder pooper poorer poplar popper porker porter poser poseur posher poster posture potter poulter pounder pourer pouter powder power praiser prancer prankster prater prattler prayer preacher preener prefer presser pressure pricker prier primer primmer printer prior prober proctor prodder proffer prompter proper prosper prouder prover prowler pruner psalter pucker puffer puker puller pumper puncher puncture punker punster punter purer purger purr purser pusher putter puzzler pyre quackster quaffer quainter quaker quarter quaver queerer queller quibbler quicker quilter quipster quitter quittor quiver quizzer quoter racer raffler rafter raider railer raiser raker rambler rancher rancor ranger ranker ranter raper rapper rapture rarer rasher rasper raster rater rather ratter rattler raver rawer razor reacher reader reamer reaper rearer rector recur redder reefer reeker reeler refer render renter rester rhymer rhymester ribber richer Richter ridder riddler rider rigger righter rigor ringer riper ripper riser river roader roadster roamer roarer roaster robber rocker roger roller romper roofer roomer rooster rooter roper roster rotor rotter rougher rounder rouser rouster router rover rower rubber rudder ruder ruffler rugger ruler rumbler rummer rumor runner rupture rusher rustler saber Sabre sacker sadder saddler safer sailor salter salver sampler sander saner satyr saucer saunter saver savior saviour savor savour sawer sawyer sayer scaler scalper scamper scanner scarcer scarper scatter scepter schemer schnauzer schneider scholar schooner scissor scoffer scolder scooter scorcher scorer scorner scour scourer scourger scouter scowler scrabbler scrambler scraper scrapper scratcher scrawler screamer screecher screener screwer scribbler scriber scripture scrounger scrubber scuffler sculler sculptor sculpture scummer scupper scuttler sealer seamer searcher sector seeder seeker seiner seizure seller seltzer sender senior sensor server setter settler settlor sever sewer shacker shackler shader shaker shammer sharer sharper shatter shaver shearer sheather shedder sheller shelter shelver shielder shier shifter shimmer shiner shingler shipper shirker shirr shiver shocker shoer shooter shopper shorter shoulder shouter shover shower shredder shrewder shriller shriner shrinker shucker shudder shuffler shunner shunter shutter shyer shyster sicker sifter sigher signer silver simmer simper simpler singer sinker sinner sipper sir sister sitter sizzler skater sketcher skewer skier skimmer skinner skipper skirter skitter skulker slabber slacker slammer slander slapper slasher slather slaughter slaver slayer sledder sleeker sleeper slender slicer slicker slider slier slighter slimmer slipper slither sliver slobber slogger sloucher slower slugger slumber slummer slur slyer smacker smaller smarter smasher smatter smearer smeller smelter smiler smirker smiter smoker smolder smoother smother smoulder smugger smuggler snapper snarer snarler snatcher sneaker sneerer sneezer snicker snider sniffer sniffler snifter snigger sniper snipper snitcher sniveler snooker snooper snoozer snorer snorter snubber snuffer snugger soaker soaper soarer sobber sober soccer softer solar solder soldier solver somber songster sooner soother sopor sorer sorter sounder sour souther sower spacer spanker spanner sparer sparkler sparrer sparser spatter spatular spawner speaker spearer specter speeder speedster speller spender spewer sphincter spider spiller spinner spinster spitter splasher splatter splendor splicer splinter splutter spoiler sponger sponsor spooner spotter sprawler sprayer spreader sprier sprinkler sprinter sprucer spryer spur sputter squabbler squalor squander squarer squatter squealer squeezer squelcher squinter squirmer stabber stacker staffer stagger staider stainer staler stalker stammer stamper stapler starer starker starter stature stauncher stealer steamer steeper steerer stellar stentor stepper sterner sticker stickler stiffer stiller stinger stinker stinter stir stirrer stitcher stocker stoker stomper stoner stopper stouter straddler strafer straggler straightener straighter strainer stranger strangler strayer streaker streamer stressor stretcher stricter stricture strider stridor striker stringer striper stripper striver stroller stronger structure struggler strummer strutter stubber stuffer stumbler stumper stupor stutter styler succor sucker suer suffer sugar suitor sulfur sulphur summer sunder super supper suppler surer surfer suture svelter swabber swagger swamper swapper swasher swatter swearer sweater sweeper sweeter swelter swifter swiller swimmer swindler swinger switcher swooner swooper tabor tacker tackler tagger tailer tailor taker talker taller tamer tamper tanker tanner taper tapper tartar tarter taster tatar tater tatter tattler taunter tauter taxer teacher teamer teamster teaser teeter teether teller temper templar tempter tender tenner tenor tenser tensor tenter tenure tercer termer terror terser tester tether texture thanker thatcher thicker thinker thinner thither thrasher threader thresher thriller thriver throbber throttler thrower thruster thrustor thumper thunder thwacker thwarter ticker tickler tiger tighter tiler tiller timber timbre timer tincture tinder tingler tinker tinter tipper tippler tipster tither titter toaster toddler toiler toller tonsure tooter topper torpor torture toter totter tougher touter tower towner towser tracer tracker tractor trader trailer trainer traitor trammer tramper trampler transfer trapper trawler treasure treater trekker trembler tremor trencher tricker trickster trier trifler trigger trimmer tripper triter troller trooper trotter troubler trouncer trouper trouser trover trucker truckler trudger truer trundler trusser truster trustor tuber tucker Tudor tugger tumbler tumor tuner turner tusker tutor twaddler tweeter tweezer twiddler twiner twinkler twirler twister twitter udder ulcer ulster umber under upper user usher utter vaguer valor vapor vaulter vector velar vender vendor venter venture verdure verger vesper vesture vicar victor viewer vigor vigour viler viper visor voider voter voucher vower voyeur vulgar vulture vulvar waddler wader wafer wager Wagner wailer waiter waiver waler walker waltzer wander wangler wanner wapper warbler warmer warner warper warrior washer waster watcher water waver waxer weaker wearer weather weaver Webster weeder weeper weigher weirder welder welsher welter were wester wetter whacker whaler wheedler wheeler whether whetter whimper whiner whipper whir whirler whisker whisper whistler whiter whither whooper whopper wicker wider wielder wiener wiggler wilder wincer windsor winger winker winner winter wiper wirer wiser wisher wither wobbler wonder wooer woofer worcester worker wowser wrangler wrapper wrecker wrester wrestler wriggler wringer writer wronger xavier yachter yammer yapper yawner yawper yeller yielder yodeler yonder yorker younger youngster zenker zephyr zipper zither zoster
When a rifle fires, a sequence of events takes place. After the firing pin strikes the primer, what is the next event in the sequence
Primer being struck by firing pin causes fire which ignites the gunpowder which burns and produces gas which forces the projecitle down the bore of the weapon.
It has a small amount of material that is sensitive to shock. When a firing pin strikes the primer, it ignites.
When the firing pin strikes the primer, a combustible mixture ignites and the flame goes through the flash hole to ignite the powder.
Firing pin strikes primer, primer ignites powder in case, expanding gases push projectile down the bore.
Firing pin strikes primer, primer ignites powder, powder burns and turns into gas, gas expands and pushes projectile out of the barrel
With firearms, the primer contains an impact sensitive explosive, such as sodium azide. The firing pin strikes the primer, crushing it, and the pellet of explosive. The resulting explosion serves to ignite the gunpowder in the cartridge.
With firearms, the primer contains an impact sensitive explosive, such as sodium azide. The firing pin strikes the primer, crushing it, and the pellet of explosive. The resulting explosion serves to ignite the gunpowder in the cartridge.
You activate the trigger, the hammer or striker hits the firing pin, the firing pin strikes the primer in the cartridge, which ignites the powder charge in the case.
When a shotgun fires, the trigger is pulled, causing the firing pin to strike the primer of the shotgun shell. The primer ignites, creating a spark that ignites the gunpowder in the shell. The gunpowder rapidly burns, producing gases that propel the wad, shot, or slug out of the barrel of the shotgun.
A firearm works by using a controlled explosion in the chamber to propel a projectile, typically a bullet, out of the barrel at high speed. When the trigger is pulled, it releases the firing pin which strikes the primer on the bullet casing, igniting the gunpowder and creating the pressure needed to propel the bullet forward.
A center-fire cartridge has a primer on the base or bottom, as the firing pin or hammer strikes the primer-cap it ignites the powder through a hole ( or two holes) inside the cartridge. A rim-fire has a flat metal rim on the base and no primer (such as a .22cal LR.)