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The idea of graphing complex numbers was published by Argand in 1806. See related link.

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Q: When did Argand graph imaginary numbers?
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Argand graphs imaginary numbers?

An Argand Diagram is a graphical representation of a complex number. The real part is the horizontal coordinate, and the imaginary part is the vertical coordinate. See Related Link at Wolfram MathWorld.

Where does the negative sign go in imaginary numbers?

The basic theory of imaginary numbers is that because (-) numbers squared are the same as (+) numbers squared there is not a correct continueos line on a graph.

Who work on function of complex numbers in geometry?

Caspar Wessel, a Norwegian and Danish mathematician was the first to porpose representing complex numbers in a two dimensional plane using real and imaginary axes. The idea was developed by Jean-Robert Argand, a Frenchman.

What do horizontal numbers represent?

In the Argand diagram (complex plane), numbers on the horizontal axis represent real numbers.

What do he horizontal numbers represent?

In the Argand diagram (complex plane), numbers on the horizontal axis represent real numbers.

When did Émile Argand die?

Émile Argand died in 1940.

When was Émile Argand born?

Émile Argand was born in 1879.

What is the real part of a complex product?

A complex number, z, may be written as z = x + iy where x and y are real and i is the imaginary square root of -1. x is the real part of z and iy is its imaginary part. The Argand diagram for z would show it as if it had the coordinates (x, y) in the Cartesian plane. However, where the Cartesian plane has the x-axis the Argand diagram has the real part, and where the Cartesian plane has the y-axis the Argand diagram has the imaginary part. Equivalently, z can be defined in terms of polar coordinates: z = (r, q). This is the same as z = rcosq + i*rsinq, so the real part is rcosq.

Are imaginary numbers irrational numbers?

No. Irrational numbers are real numbers, therefore it is not imaginary.

Can the graph of a polynomial function have no x-intercept?

Yes, over the real set of numbers. For example, the graph of y=x2+1 is a regular parabola with a vertex that is one unit above the origin. Because the vertex is the lowest point on the graph, and 1>0, there is no way for it to touch the x-axis.NOTE: But if we're considering imaginary numbers, the values "i" and "-i" would be the zeroes. I'm pretty sure that all polynomial functions have a number of zeroes equal to their degree if we include imaginary numbers.

When was Aimé Argand born?

Aimé Argand was born on 1750-07-05.

When did Aimé Argand die?

Aimé Argand died on 1803-10-14.