No. Common denominators are needed for addition and subtraction, not multiplication or division.
No you do not.
Option 1: Find a common denominator for the two fractions. It need not be the least common denominator; for example, for two fractions, if you just multiply the two denominators, you get a common denominator. Convert all the fractions to the common denominator. Then you can compare. Option 2: Convert each fraction to decimal, by dividing the numerator by the denominator. Then you can compare the decimals.
You DO need a common denominator to add, subtract, or compare fractions. You DO NOT need a common denominator to multiply or divide fractions.
No. Dividing fractions is achieved by inverting the divisor and multiplying the resulting fractions. To multiply fractions the numerators are multiplied together to form the new numerator and the denominators are multiplied together to form the new denominator.
You don't need a common denominator to divide fractions.
No only when adding or subtracting fractions a common denominator is needed
No you do not.
You don't need a common denominator to divide fractions.
When you're dividing fractions ... or multiplying thrm ... they don't need to have the same denominator.
Option 1: Find a common denominator for the two fractions. It need not be the least common denominator; for example, for two fractions, if you just multiply the two denominators, you get a common denominator. Convert all the fractions to the common denominator. Then you can compare. Option 2: Convert each fraction to decimal, by dividing the numerator by the denominator. Then you can compare the decimals.
You DO need a common denominator to add, subtract, or compare fractions. You DO NOT need a common denominator to multiply or divide fractions.
No. Dividing fractions is achieved by inverting the divisor and multiplying the resulting fractions. To multiply fractions the numerators are multiplied together to form the new numerator and the denominators are multiplied together to form the new denominator.
No, You only need a common denominator when adding or subtracting fractions.