John Napier's birthday is not known. However, records at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland affirm he was a student there. We choose to honor him on St. Andrew's Day, November 30.
John Napier (1550 - 1617)
Because he wanted a simple calculating device. (It's "bones" actually.)
The probable cause of Napier's death was complications arising from gout, although this can now never be known with certainty.
Your 10th birthday is your first two-digit birthday. In the same way, your 100th birthday is your first three-digit birthday.
euclid birthday for histry
Someone born in 1977 turned 36 on their birthday in 2013, and ... - 37 on their birthday in 2014 - 38 on their birthday in 2015 - 39 on their birthday in 2016 - 40 on their birthday in 2017
John Napier
Napier's Bones. It was a type of abacus.
napiers bone
John Napier, renowned for his work involving logarithms was born in 1550 and died in 1617.
Because he wanted a simple calculating device. (It's "bones" actually.)
The probable cause of Napier's death was complications arising from gout, although this can now never be known with certainty.
napiers bone
I do not think so.
john travoltas birthday is feb 18th
John Cena's birthday is April 23.
John Terrys Birthday is the 7th December. He was born in 1980
If you are talking about John Cena, his birthday is April 23rd, 1977.