Pastor Appreciation Day is October 10th this year but the whole month of October has been designated Pastor Appreciation Month.
This depends on the day in which the question refers to in 2010, and which day the persoon was born on. If the day on which the person was born on is prior to the current day, then the person is 74 years old. If the day on which the person was born on is after the current day, then the person is 73 years old.
July 27th
1000 days from 6 Sep 2010 will be Sunday, June 2, 2013.
She would be 84 June 1 2010.
Pastor Appreciation Day is always the second Sunday in October.
National Pastor Appreciation Day is October 14, 2009.
It's When You Sit Your Pastor Down And Cook Dinner For He/She And have A Service For Them And Tell Them How Much You Appreciate Them .
Pastor Appreciation Day is commonly held in October. See related link:
second sunday in october
Oct. 9, 2011
It is just what it says a day out of the year where you show your pastor you appreciate him.
Show Pastor Appreciaion on Pastor Appreciation Day , u can say "thank you", giving a cards, letters, songs, poems! But i like crystal awards at, i have bought one, i and my pastor love those crytal awards for pastor
April 19th ,2010
April 19th ,2010
October 21st