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Q: When is pi used in maths?
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How do you use pye in maths?

Do you mean pi? pi = 3.1415926535 Circumference of a circle = pi*diameter

What does equals in maths?

it's ''PI'' and it equals 3.141595286

What is the maths name for 3.14?

pi. And it goes on to 3.14159265358979323846...

When the maths day celebrated?

March 14 3.14 pi~

Where and when can you use a pi in maths?

Finding are or circumference of a circle or cylinder.

What is the hardest maths question for secondary school?

How to find the final digit of the symbol pi which is used in finding the properties of circles and spheres

What did people use pi for?

Pi is the ratio of a (perfect) circle's circumference to its diameter. It was, and still is, used to make more accurate measurements of things containing circles or parts of circles. Pi also shows up in trigonometry and higher maths.

What does 3.141592653589793238462643832795028841971693993751058209749445923078 mean in maths?

It's the first 67 digits of pi.

In maths what is Pi used for?

pi is used to work out things like the circumference (length around the outside) of a circle from the diameter (length from side to side (pi x d). It can also work out a circle's area (2pi x r(radius)), and much more with spheres and cylanders etc.

How do you get pie in maths?

In mathematics, the value of pi (π) is a mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. It is approximately equal to 3.14159.

What does the prefix pi -co mean in maths?

It's pico, and it is 10-12

How do you make a model for maths?

be more precise. what in maths. area or length or like pi or something. make it with clay its the easiest or make a diagram with paper.