The nearest thousand to 8432 is 8000. When rounding to the nearest thousand, we look at the hundreds place - in this case, it is 400. Since 400 is less than 500, we round down to 8000.
When rounding to the nearest thousand, half round up and half round down.Half of 1000 is 500 → numbers that are 8000 ± 500, that is 7500 to 8500 will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000.However, numbers half way by convention round up and 8500 is half way between 8000 & 9000 and so would round up to 9000.Thus numbers greater than or equal to 7500 and less than 8500 will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000.Therefore the largest whole number that will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000 is 8499.
7687 rounded to the nearest ten is 7690. 7687 rounded to the nearest hundred is 7700. 7687 rounded to the nearest thousand 8000.
Since the hundreds place is less than five hundred, you round it to 8000.
It is 8000.
The nearest thousand to 8432 is 8000. When rounding to the nearest thousand, we look at the hundreds place - in this case, it is 400. Since 400 is less than 500, we round down to 8000.
When rounding to the nearest thousand, half round up and half round down.Half of 1000 is 500 → numbers that are 8000 ± 500, that is 7500 to 8500 will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000.However, numbers half way by convention round up and 8500 is half way between 8000 & 9000 and so would round up to 9000.Thus numbers greater than or equal to 7500 and less than 8500 will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000.Therefore the largest whole number that will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000 is 8499.
7687 rounded to the nearest ten is 7690. 7687 rounded to the nearest hundred is 7700. 7687 rounded to the nearest thousand 8000.
Since the hundreds place is less than five hundred, you round it to 8000.
Oh, dude, rounding 7975 to the nearest hundred is like asking me to pick out the best avocado at the grocery store - easy peasy. So, 7975 is closer to 8000 than 7900, which means when you round it to the nearest hundred, it's 8000. Like, no big deal, right?