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Q: When the hands of the clock are opposite to each other between 4 and 5?
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Related questions

How many times do a clock's hands overlap and opposite to each other in a day?

Twenty two each.

When do the hands of a clock form a straight line?

The hour and minute hands are in a straight line opposite each other at 6 o`clock, and at 10 other times during any 12-hour period, for a total of 22 times a day.They also overlap 22 times a day, at 20 times other than at 12 o'clock.(see related question)

What is the diff between clock wise and counter clock wise?

Clockwise is the direction that follows the movement of a clock's hands, going from right to left. Counterclockwise, on the other hand, is the opposite direction, moving from left to right, or in the opposite direction to clockwise.

Besides the hands what are the other moving parts of a clock?

There are many moving parts of a clock, apart from the hands. Examples include a mainspring, or a weight suspended from a cord, the wheel train, and an oscillator.

Are there 11 times in a 12 our period in which the hands of a clock are opposite to each other I believe its 11 is the same case no matter what time you start Even if you started at 6 o clock?

There have to be 12 times this happens. The hour hand must complete 12 rotations in a 12-hour period. In each of those rotations it will be opposite the minute hand once.

How many times do the hands of a clock point towards each other in a day?


How many times in 12 hours do the hands of a clock pass each other?


How many times do the hands of the clock point towards each other in a day.?

22 times

What is the difference between analog and digital watches?

Analog clock shows time passing by moving hands continuously. In contrast, digital clock shows the time numerically. By analog clock you can tell the time between graduations to some extent by the location of the hands because the hands move continuously. But by digital clock, you can not read other than the information shown. If it shows seconds as well, you can tell more precisely

Difference between Bus Clock and System Clock in Microcontrollers?

Bus Clock is based on the System Clock. In other terms Bus Clock is derived from system Clock. Bus Clock is usually half System Clock. (Busy Clock = System Clock / 2)

What is counter clockwise?

Clockwise goes right in a circle, counterclockwise goes left in a circle.

What is a Rhythm Clock used for?

A Rhythm Clock works just like any other clock. It simply gives the time. The only difference between it and other clocks is that it is designed differently.