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Direct proportion, linear, first-order... all of these are valid answers, depending on the particular field you're talking about.

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In Direct Proportion

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Q: When the ratio of two variables is constant their relationship can be describe as?
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What is the relationship in which the ratio of the manipulated variables and the responding variables is constant?

Direct Proportion

What relationship exists between two variable when their ratio is a constant?

Two variables whose ratio is constant have a linear relationship. The first variable is the second multiplied by the constant.

What is the relationship between two variables quantities with a constant ratio?

It is a direct proportion.

When the ratio of two variables is constant their relationship can be described as what?


What does constant of proportion mean?

If two variables are in direct relationship then the ratio of the two variables is known as the constant of proportion between them. In algebraic form, if X and Y are the two variables, then direct proportionality implies that Y = cX and c is the constant of proportionality.

What is a constant ratio of two variables related proportionally?

It is the constant of proportionality.

What is a constant ratio of two variables that are related proportionally?

It is the constant of proportionality.

What relationship exist between two variables when their ratio is constant?

Direct proportionality. Their graph would be a straight line through the origin, with the slope equal to the ratio.

What are the two way to determine if the relationship between two quantities are proportional?

Graphical: If two variables are proportional, the graph of one of the variables against the other is a straight line through the origin.Algebraic: If the ratio of the two variables is a constant.

What is constant of preportionality?

The constant of proportionality between two variables is the ratio of one to the other.

What is a constant ratio of two variables related proportionally in math?

It is the constant of proportionality or the conversion factor.

What has a variation in the relationship between two variable quantities with a constant ratio?

The relationship is a linear one. For example when driving at a constant speed, the relationship between distance driven and the time driven is linear with a constant ratio (of the constant speed).