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Q: When two line segments intersect and form a 90 degree angle?
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If two segments that intersect are perpendicular then what kind of angle do they form?

Right Angle

What is a perpendicular line segment?

How am i supposed to kow this??? I am in second grade!

What are lines that intersect to form a ninety degree angle?

When two lines intersect to form a 90o angle, they are said to be perpendicular.

What do two line segments with a common end point form?

No. They form an angle.

Is there pair lines that intersect but are not perpendicular?

Yes. Perpendicular lines intersect to form a right or 90 degree angle. Not all intersecting lines form a right angle.

What is it called when lines intersect to form a 90 degree angle?

The lines are said to be 'perpendicular'.

Segments are perpendicular what kind of angles are form?

By definition, any lines/segments that are perpendicular to each other either do, or (in the case of non-intersecting segments) would, intersect each other at right angles. A right angle being a 90* angle. Therefore, perpendicular, intersecting line segments will form 4 90* angles.

Are intersecting lines alway perpendicular?

Form right angles

What is the measure of the angle of rotation with respect to two lines that intersect to form a 25 degree angle?

50. It is always two times the rotation.

How do you write perpendicular line?

A perpendicular line is formed when two lines intersect and form a 90 degree, or right, angle.

What are Two lines that intersect and form a right angle are called?

When two lines intersect to form a right angle they are called perpendicular.

What do you call two intersecting lines that form 90 degree angle?

A line is orthogonal to another if it is at 90° to it. You can call lines that intersect at 90° orthogonallines.You can also say that the lines form a right angle.