Uniform motion.
Geologists have divided Earth's history into a series of time intervals. These time intervals are not equal in length like the hours in a day. Instead the time intervals are variable in length. This is because geologic time is divided using significant events in the history of the Earth.
The linear function changes by an amount which is directly proportional to the size of the interval. The exponential changes by an amount which is proportional to the area underneath the curve. In the latter case, the change is approximately equal to the size of the interval multiplied by the average value of the function over the interval.
line graph
You can compare the means of two dependent or independent samples. You can also set up confidence intervals. For independent samples you test the claim that the two means are not equal; the null hypothesis is mean1 equals mean2. The alternative hypothesis is mean1 does not equal mean2. For dependent (paired) samples you test the claim that the mean of the differences are not equal; the null hypothesis is the difference equals zero; the alternative hypothesis is the difference does not equal zero.
when a car travels equal distance in equal intervals of time its velocity is uniform and equal
If the speed is constant then equal distances are covered in equal intervals of time If acceleration is constant then equal change in velocity occurs in equal intervals of time.
when the body in motion covers equal displacement in equal intervals of time.
The velocity of the body is constant if it covers equal displacements in equal intervals of time. This is because velocity is defined as the rate of change of displacement with respect to time. If the body is covering equal distances at equal intervals, then the velocity remains constant.
For uniform motion, the distance-time graph is a straight line because the object covers equal distances in equal time intervals. For non-uniform motion, the distance-time graph is curved because the object covers unequal distances in equal time intervals or equal distances in unequal time intervals.
A body has uniform speed when it travels equal distances in equal intervals of time. This means that the speed remains constant and there is no change in velocity over time.
Usually the intervals in a frequency chart should be equal.
The distance-time graph for an object moving with a constant speed is a straight line with a positive slope. This indicates that the object is covering equal distances in equal intervals of time.
A distance-time graph is a straight line when the object is moving at a constant speed. This means that the object covers equal distances in equal time intervals. It indicates a uniform motion without acceleration or deceleration.
The distance-time graph for uniform motion of an object is a straight line with a constant slope. This indicates that the object is covering equal distances in equal time intervals, showing a constant speed.
Constant speed means constant velocity. Constant velocity means an object is covering same distance in equal intervals of time. So how is it possible to have acceleration. Acceleration means speed is increasing with equal intervals of time. So its not possible according to my logic.
Speed is equal to the change in distance over the change in time, or V = D/T where V is speed, D is distance and T is time.