Estimate to the nearest whole number:
2.398 = 2
46.2 = 46
Ah, rounding numbers can be quite fun! If we look at 2398 and want to round it to the nearest 10, we see that the last digit is 8, which is closer to 10 than 0. So, 2398 rounded to the nearest 10 is 2400. Just a little adjustment to make the number more comfortable and pleasing to the eye.
They are: 21*22 = 462
How do you make a ballpark estimate of 7201 plus 6988?
462 * 10000 = 4,620,000
To determine which sum is greater, we simply add the numbers together. 468 + 153 = 621 253 + 209 = 462 Therefore, the sum of 468 plus 153 (621) is greater than the sum of 253 plus 209 (462).
8 + 462 + 4 = 474
The sum is 481
The answer would be 462.
If that's 2398 liters, it's already rounded to the nearest liter. If it's some other unit of measure, you should indicate what it is.
11 321
There are 2 odds and two evens so the sum will be even so that 2 will divide their sum.
100 That is an estimate.
463! It depends on what sum you are estimating from. If the question was 462+1, I would not estimate anything other than 463. If the question was square root of 214,369, I would go for an estimate between 450 and 500.
The 2008 population estimate for Nashville-Davidson County, TN, is 626,144, with the city population estimated at 596, 462.
Ah, rounding numbers can be quite fun! If we look at 2398 and want to round it to the nearest 10, we see that the last digit is 8, which is closer to 10 than 0. So, 2398 rounded to the nearest 10 is 2400. Just a little adjustment to make the number more comfortable and pleasing to the eye.