When "n" is any other number in the tenths place holder such as .1, .2, .3, ...., .8, .9 and no other digits in any other place holder.
To find the answer all you do is add a zero to the number.
The product is 0.0036 Simple method is to multiply the two numbers. The decimal place is determined by the addition of the number of decimal places in each factor (2 places in 0.04, 2 places in 0.09), 2 +2 = 4.
Before comparing the two numbers, you must first find the product of 1.2 and 3.6. To multiply with decimals, first multiply the numbers as if they didn't have any.12 x 36 = 432Now, to place the decimal point correctly in the answer, count the number of places that are in the original multipliers (1.2 and 3.6). There are two: .2 and .6. So, place the decimal in the product two spaces from the right. Your answer now becomes 4.32, which is less than 5.
To find the answer, multiply 7 times the number in the ones place (3) to get 21. Place the 1 in the one's place in the answer and carry the 2 to the tens place. Multiply the 6 in the tens place by the 7 to get 42 and add the 2 that you carried to get 44. Place that in the answer. The answer is 441.
It is always zero !
product is a key word in math that lets you know multiplication is taking place. 5 times any number always ends in a 5 or 0.
Multiply the numbers, count the total number of decimal places in the problem and place that many in your product.
When "n" is any other number in the tenths place holder such as .1, .2, .3, ...., .8, .9 and no other digits in any other place holder.
-- Ignore the decimal point; just multiply the two whole numbers. -- After the multiplication is done, put the decimal point back into the product. Put it in the right place so that the product has as many digits after the point as the original decimal had. If there aren't enough digits in the product to do that, add some zeros to the left end of it.
For circumference, multiply the diameter by pi and round the product to the second decimal place. For area, multiply the square of the radius by pi and round the product to the second decimal place.
When ' n ' has no more than one non-zero digit after the decimal point, and it is in the first place after the point.
place value and face value of a number are always equal at ones place.
To find the answer all you do is add a zero to the number.
Multiply by ten to move the decimal one place to the right. Multiply by 100 to move two places to the right. Divide by ten to move it one place to the left.
The product is 0.0036 Simple method is to multiply the two numbers. The decimal place is determined by the addition of the number of decimal places in each factor (2 places in 0.04, 2 places in 0.09), 2 +2 = 4.
To find 40% of a number, either multiply by .4 or multiply by 2 and divide by 5 or else multiply by 4 and move the decimal point one place to the left.