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The seven cervical vertebrae are labeled C1, C2, C3, ... C6, and C7. They're lined up

in the space from the hole in the bottom of your skull down to just above that bump

at the top of your back, between your shoulders. That bump is T1 ... it's right under C7.

The upper few C's, at the top of the spine just under the skull, are really tiny.

"C4-5" is the disk that forms the pad between C4 and C5. Similarly, "C5-6" is the

disk that forms the pad between C5 and C6.

If a disk wears away or springs a leak, that's not good. The material can get into

the middle of the vertebrae, where it's not supposed to be, and press directly on

the spinal cord. Also, the nerves that go from the brain to everything else in the

body leave the spinal cord and come out through those little spaces between the

vertebrae. If the space closes up and a nerve gets pinched in there, that's a problem.

The fix is to take out what's left of the disk, line up the vertebrae if they've shifted,

space them correctly, put a new thin disk of bone in the space, and fasten everything

solid. After a while, new bone grows over the whole thing. The process is called "fusion",

a word that means joining two separate things into one, because the vertebrae above

and below the bad disk become a single unit.

Good luck to you. I had C4-5, C5-6, and C6-7 fused all at once. It wasn't bad at all,

and it sure fixed the problems.

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Q: Where are the c 5 6 and c 4 5 vertebra located in the neck?
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Seven. They compose the seven cervical vertebrae. There is another bone in the neck, which is really part of the function of the tongue called the hyoid. Though not considered a neck bone in function it is located in the neck.But, it's not just humans. In fact, all mammals have the same number of bones in their neck, seven, even giraffes.The most common answer is that there are seven vertebra in the neck section of the human spine.There's 28 bones in the human neck (8 cranial, 14 facial, and 6 ear bones).There is some confusion of how many vertebrate there are in the human vertebral column. Neck vertebrate:7 Thoracic vertebrate: 12 Lumbar vertebrate: 5 Sacrum vertebrate: 5 Coccyx vertebrate: 4 The 5 vertebrate of the Sacrum are fused, and may be counted as one. The 4 verterbrate of the Coccyx are also fused, and may be counted as one. This brings the total to 26 or 33.There is some confusion of how many vertebrate there are in the human vertebral column. Neck vertebrate:7 Thoracic vertebrate: 12 Lumbar vertebrate: 5 Sacrum vertebrate: 5 Coccyx vertebrate: 4 The 5 vertebrate of the Sacrum are fused, and may be counted as one. The 4 verterbrate of the Coccyx are also fused, and may be counted as one. This brings the total to 26 or 33.The human neck has 14 bones in it

How many vertebrae does a 13-year old male have?

24 There are typically 7 neck vertebrae, 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar vertebrae. A few percent of folks have one more or one less due to fusion or a lumbar vertebra with the Sacrum or non union of the normally fused 5 sacral segments. Others have fused vertebra elsewhere in the spine.

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Where are C 4 C 5 C 6 C 7 in the human body?

This term is commonly used abbreviation in medical field. C stands for cervical vertebra. These are forth, fifth, sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae. You have total seven cervical vertebrae in case of human. They are present in your neck.

Is there permanate damage with vertebra 3 4 5 being broken?

It all depends on what you mean by permanent and damage. The damage can heal, but it will never be the same as it was before.