I dont think so that any article seller will tag their content as "poor", you might want to look for high quality articles for nobody such services
buy a lot of things clothes,branded stuff etc. & it would be nice to help the poor !
No, poor is not an adverb. Poor is a adjective, and poorly is an adverb while poorness is noun.
you could find it in a comparing and contrasting article
Poor - adjective shepherds - subject heard - predicate the - article songs - direct object of - preposition the - article angels - object of the preposition
She learned a lot when she read the article. The magazine article was about parenting.
Me Will you give me money to buy one?
How do we help the poor? It may be easier to ask where we don't help the poor. The Catholic Church is the worlds largest charitable organization. See this wonderful article on the subject.
so that you won't be poor.
buy a book first
Yes if you buy poor man's shield first.
so that you won't be poor.
Just buy it, what are you poor?
No where ya poor dame
no because Haiti is is to poor to make and buy it.