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If you are not trying to cheat. You can see if your teacher will give you the answers or if your teacher will give you a website to go on and a pass code if needed.

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Q: Where can you find answers to Harcourt math workbook grade 5?
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Where can you find the answers to Harcourt math practice workbook?

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Need to find 4th grade Harcourt Math workbook online to complete homework tonight please help?

I doubt that Harcourt makes its workbook available online, and for anyone else to put it online would be a violation of copyright. Your best option is to call a friend and get the problems from them.

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on amazon or ebay they're are really expensive though...:(

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there are no answers that you can find in the Internet

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The answers are not provided via the internet for the workbook. Teachers will need to be visited if the answers can not be obtain through study materials.

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