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in islamic countries there is no limitation for having can have as many as you want and can afford.

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Q: Where can you have more than 2 wives?
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If a man have more then one wife what do you call it?

if he has 2 wives then he would be called as bigamist and if he has more than two then polygamist

Is it acceptable for wives to earn more than the husbands?

Yes, why not??

Why did more African American wives work than white married woman did post civil war?

In general, African American wives were more likely to be rural and poor than their white counterparts. In rural communities and among the poor it is more necessary for the wives to work in order to survive.

Is there anywhere in the bible a man had four wifes?

Just four or more than four? David had more than, as did several of the kings had multiple wives. Solomon had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. That's not a typo 700 wives, 300 concubines.

Was Akbar married?

Yes. Akbar was married. He had more than 30 wives.

Are wives younger than hubands?

Wives can usually be married younger than their husband because a girl is usually in a romantic interest earlier than boys do, so boys take more time to get an interest in someone else.

Why did Henry behead some of his wives but not all of them?

I guess he disliked some more than others.

What was the family size of Mayan families?

wives, husbands, and more than 1 kid usually

Why is it that US presidents have had more daughters than sons in the past 100 years?

They are dependent on wives

What is God's comandment were concerning kings and how many wives they should have?

in the old days, as long as he was faithful to all his wives, i am not sure how many, but more than one

What are polygamists?

Polygamists have more than one spouse. Typically they are male with multiple wives. See polygamy.

What is swaziland most famous for?

their hing and his many wives. last count was 13 wives and 3 fiances. His last wife was 2 years younger than his daughter, and 2 of his wives left him by running away.