You must first find a drug dealer. When you have found one, you simply call him/her or go to their house with some money and tell them how much you want.
I know some who got a 289 nwea score in 5th.
An ounce of of some class a weed and a nice pretty bong. No matter if he doesn't smoke he will like it every teenage boy likes weed.
You would do this after a review. In some companies it can help to determine if you will get promoted or not.
The true score and the error score :) A+
Seriously, one pound of weed equals one pound.
A score is an antiquated word for 20, if that helps.
weed weed weed and some more weed
weed weed
Because they want to weed out people who cannot reason on a high level.
They have the metric system in Scotland, no one will know what you are talking about if you try to score.
got by some weed
One can find information on growing weed from many online sites. Some of the best websites to find information on weed are Growing Weed Easy and Weed Chamber.
The slang word "weed" means marijuana. Example: "Last night, me and my buddies smoked some weed."
yes. you can get high second hand, which means its in your system
Some common weed names include marijuana, cannabis, pot, dope, and grass.
it kills some of your sperm cells