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Stuff like weather and Golf, and even Video Games! You may not notice it but also when you walk up and down a hill.

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Q: Where do you find integers in your every-day life?
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How do use integers in your everyday life?

Every time you count things, you recite a list of integers.

What pictures can be used to show integers used in everyday life?


What are some ways you use integers in everyday life with out even knowing you are?

in golf u use integers hahahahahah oh yeahh

Where do you find integers in your every day life?

dates consisting of 3 integers: day, month, year. your age

Where can you find symmetry in everyday life?

in a book

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What are the uses of integers?

There are several different ways that you can use integers in everyday situations. For example you can use integers in the Winter, you use them with the temperature.

Where do you use potassium in everyday life?

You can find it in your bones!

Where would you find coordinates in everyday life?

On a map

How is gps used in everyday life?

To find your way to your destination.

How is a gps used in everyday life?

To find your way to your destination.

Where do you find fractions in everyday life?

cutting pizzas or cake