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On the space between Baltic Ave. and Reading Railroad, you have a choice of paying either 10% of your total net worth or $200. The rules detail how to calculate your total worth; I think in addition to your cash it's board value for each property, or half that if it's mortgaged, half price for each house and hotel, and $50 for a Get Out of Jail Free card. 10% is the better choice early in the game, because you start off with $1500, 10% of which is $150. $200 becomes the better option around the time you start building houses and collecting bigger rents.

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Q: Where does the 10 percent come from in Monopoly when you owe income tax or are given option of paying 200?
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You should consult with an attorney, but you may be able to. Declaring bankruptcy is one option. It may also be possible that they can't garnish SS income.

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You can receive the option of investing by saving money and paying all your bills on time so you have leftover income to use for investing. You can learn more about investing online at the Investopedia website.

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Partnerships do have income tax laws that pertain to them. There is no way of getting out of paying income taxes. Consult a lawyer or accountant to make sure you are paying the correct amount in income taxes.

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If heather earns an annual salary of 46500 with federal income tax of 3200 state income tax of 930 and fica taxes at 7.65 percent what will her take home pay be after paying taxes?

Do the math yourself lol. Just take 7.65 percent of 46500, add that to 4130 then subtract this number from 46500, the result: your answer.

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If she earns an annual salary of 46500 with federal income tax of 3200 state income tax of 930 and FICA taxes at 7.65 percent what will her take home pay be after paying taxes?

.0765x 46,500 = 3557.25 46500 - 3557.25 - 3200 - 930 =38,812.75