6.0 powerstrokes use a VGT turbo which the silencer ring was cast into the compressor itself. you can cut it out but that is not recommended. early 03 6.0's had a silencer ring but dont know how to remove it.
It means that its between 14k and 18k that it has about 60%-70% GOLD in it.
well my ring is a .60 and is stamped 60 so im assuming it means you have a .20 stoneAnother AnswerThe markings on the metal cannot be trusted to reflect any information about the stone mounted in it. Metal markings give information about the metal.
11.45 am
450 - 60 - 60 - 60 - 60 - 60 - 60 - 60 - 60 = -30
diesel index = aniline point *API(1/100)
yes in the turbo not positive on how to take it out but yea it does have one in the turbo
A 7.3 powerstroke's stock Garret turbo does not have a silencer ring inside the turbo housing.
To remove a silencer ring one must first ask them selves why they want said ring removed. One must understand the purpose of the mighty ring. The ring in the turbo to do what its name says, silence the whistle of the turbo. To remove the ring first remove the air intake boot off the turbo, get a flathead screwdriver and locate the snap ring in front of the impellar, pry the ring out of the snapring grove, gently work your way around the housing, once the snapring out of the grove, you can slide it out of the intake housing, then the silencer ring will just slide out. Some have said you gain mpg's by removing the ring and others say that it bores your turbo to a stage one or a "phatshaft" while some of these can be proven or disproven one thing is for sure, the turbo does whistle louder. The answer lies within yourself to see if you want the all mighty ring removed. Also if you look on the internet there is a brother hood for the silencer ring and they will also have all the information on the ring.
no you are not allowed, if you get stop by the cops you will get a £60 fine and if you are unlucky 3points too
It could be a boost leak issue, need to check the tubing/clamps. If it was serviced, check to make sure the silencer ring is still in place. Removing it willmake the truck sound like a freight train.
60 x 7.1
you just buy the silencer
Poor piston ring sealing in diesel generators can be caused by damage or misapplication. If a diesel generator is left running under a low load it can cause poor piston sealing as well.
There are different kind of modified silencer apart from the originally supplied (Stock) silencer. Indore silencer is one of them. It produces a decent thumping sound like the one in old bullets, but is not even to much noisy. There are other silencer which do not have any filter (muffler) like the ROCKET SILENCER, which produce much more sound (Noise) as compared to indoor or stock silencer. I have a rocket silencer, but now i am planning to go for indore silencer, as i have heard rocket silencer effects the engine. I hope that hepls... Enjoy thumping..thump..thump..and go for indore silencer
The Silencer - film - was created in 1999.
The air filter is refered to as an intake silencer.