It’s on pg17. Next to the purple hair clip. Close to the clothes peg.
Hint 1 : It's on page 8. Hint 2 : The octagon is red. Hint 3 : It comes in the form of a roadsign.
thirteen number nines
The cat is riding a yellow bike at the top of the page
Its in the jewel box at the top shelf of the jewel box and its under something
One is on a pencil!
It is on the camel stamp on the left page
The ace in the "You Spy Extreme Challenger" game is located under the magnifying glass on the right side of the card. It is hidden within the design of the magnifying glass.
In the bottom left corner on top of the musical scale and the scissors.
In the Spy Extreme Challenger game, the lunchbox can be found in the living room cabinet. It is hidden behind the blue vase on the middle shelf.
They are the hotdog buns on the two forks in the middle of the page.
Theres a mouse trap with a spring on Page 25.
I think it is on the side of the can on the bottom right hand page.
On page 17 Top right near the pink hair clip and in between that and the wooden clothespins with a match on it.
The snail is right by Harry's Test. It's the shell next to it.
On page 16 of I Spy Extreme Challenger, the bell is located on the bottom left corner. On page 17, the bell is on the bottom right corner.