Cloister Divinity behind a hedge
i dont now to
you can get it. you must to go to recruit and search in advanced epsilon.
I don't him him athlough i WANT HIM i'll give a wild guess.. Have you Scouted Him Conection Map Recruted him walked over EVERYWHERE TALKING TO EVERYONE PLEASE SEND SOMEFINK BACK!
one twelfth would be 2 (24 divided by 12) eleven of those would be 22 (11 x 2)
you cant you can only get nelly on that version
Cloister Divinity behind a hedge
i dont now to
you regain him when you're facing epsilon advanced and after getting lachance
To find Aphrodite in Inazuma Eleven 2, you have to go to Tokyo, and then to Inazuma Tower's pond. He is there randomly, so you may have to leave and enter this area a couple times to finally find him.
By getting out
there are 10
Not anytime soon.
it comes out sometime in 2012
Inazuma Eleven. Last week, Japan held a poll to decide what anime deserves more showtime on TV Tokyo, here were the results: 1. Inazuma Eleven / GO 2. Naruto Shippuden 3. One Piece 4. Bleach Apparently, Japan isn't in to Bleach anymore. Makes sense considering Bleach is repetitive and boring, whilst Inazuma Eleven / GO is one of the best anime ever.
you can get it. you must to go to recruit and search in advanced epsilon.