At the north pole and south pole, the sun is up for 6 months
and drowns for the other 6 months.
There are 66 months in 5 years and 6 months.
Think of the world as a top. If you were standing on the very top of that top, you would be spinning, but you wouldn't be moving. This is what happens if you go close to the north or south poles. You're still spinning, but because you aren't moving very much, you're facing the same direction most of the time. The reason for the "6 months of dark and 6 months of light" is the same reason we have seasons. For 6 months the pole will be facing the sun, and for the next it will be facing away. Of course, between those two times will be periods where you aren't facing directly towards or away from the sun. And because the north and south poles are on the opposite ends of the Earth, one will be summer while the other is winter.
6 years is much greater than 2 months. 6 years = 72 months.
There are 12 months in a year so there is .5 of a year in 6 months
81 months is 6¾ years (6.75 years, or 6 years, 9 months).
The price of gold is expected to rise slightly in 6 months.
In countries near the poles, such as Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Russia, there are regions where the sun does not set for up to six months during summer (midnight sun) and does not rise for up to six months during winter (polar night). This phenomenon is called the midnight sun and polar night.
The sun sets for 6 months and rises for 6 months in countries located within the polar regions near the North or South Poles, such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Canada, and Antarctica. This phenomenon is known as the polar day and polar night, occurring due to the tilt of the Earth's axis.
Greenland experiences the phenomenon of polar night in some regions, particularly in the northernmost parts, where the sun does not rise above the horizon for several months during winter. This is due to the tilt of the Earth's axis, causing certain areas near the poles to be in constant darkness for an extended period of time.
Antarctica is NOT in darkness for 7 months. All parts of our planet get the same amount of day and night when this is averaged over a year. However, because of the tilt of the Earth's axis, the polar regions face towards the Sun for 6 months of the year and away from the Sun for the other 6 months. This Means that the planets poles experience a day that lasts 6 months and a night that lasts 6 months, with the Sun rising and setting on the day of the equinoxes.
We did 6 months ago and will again in another 6 months.
Alaska for 6 months
There is no sunrise for nearly 6 months at either pole, the North Pole or South Pole. The poles are alternately tipped toward, or away from the Sun for half of each year. There is slightly more than 6 months of daylight, beginning on the vernal equinox, and almost 6 months of night, beginning on the autumnal (fall) equinox. For the North Pole, this means no sun from late September to late March, but there is considerable twilight when the Sun is not too far below the horizon, especially in early October and the middle of March. For the South Pole, the sun sets in March and does not rise again until September.
6 months
6:21 am
If you live in a place such as Alaska where there is no sun for 6 months you have no electricity for 5 or 6 months. Also if you use up all of your electricity what will you do at night or when the sun isn't shining?
Yes. The reason Alaska has 6 months in the day and night, is because the Earth's axis is tilted. Meaning that Alaska is in the North and in the spring and summer it will point at the sun. In the winter and fall, the sun will point to the opposite way from the sun.