83. கூடா
The letter "E."
because the range is Just the biggest - the smallest the mode is the most often number that comes out at least twice and median is the middle number
The answer is not a rational number. It's the twice the square root of 1/pi inches, which comes out to just about 1 1/8".
A >= 2B (A is twice as many as B, or greater than twice of B)
The missing letter is "ள" in the word "திருக்குறள்" (Thirukkural). It is a special character in the Tamil language and is pronounced as "la."
THIRUKKURAL is the Best Literary Work... ever!
Thirukkural. An ancient tamil literature book.
A weekend!
Thirukkural, written more than 2000 years ago by the Sage Thiruvalluvar, is in the form of couplets and conveys noble thoughts. http://www.india9.com/i9show/Thirukkural-46316.htm Tirukkural constitutes one of the most important literary works in Tamil. It is generally reckoned that Kural was composed during the Sangam Period of literary development in Tamil (500-200 BC). http://acharya.iitm.ac.in/tamil/kural/kural_ref.php
The letter "e" comes twice in the phrase "once in a year".
if your tooth comes out twice it will not grow back.
The letter 'e'
The letter a