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The concept of pi, representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, has been known and used in mathematics for thousands of years. The word "pie" to refer to a baked dish filled with sweet or savory ingredients originated much later, likely in the 14th century. Therefore, pi came first, long before the culinary creation of pie.

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15y ago

Pi as a letter in the greek alphabet that was used from early 8th century BC. If you are refering to the mathematical constant pi it was known even earlier than 20th century BC. If you want to connect these two as in usage of pi as the symbol for the mathematical constant then that was done in the early 1700s and made popular by Euler in the mid 1700s. Pie as a word is first found in the 12th century english, and I think that the pastry itself has some longer history, but I doubt it goes earlier than the 8th century BC.

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