The Arab culture had the number 0 before Europe.
answer 2 The Babylonians at least needed the concept of zero, but did not really develop it other than a 'leave a space' concept.
The Greeks had a marvellous system of geometry and logic, but it was that which led them astray "for why should there be a name for nothing, when it is nothing".
Similar thinking led them into the 'hare and the tortoise' lapses of rigour.
However, the Hindu could not only consider the concept of zero, but the state of 'non-being' was a condition that their religion (and that of the Buddhists) actively sought.
There is a Hindu manuscript from cAD200, the Bakhhali manuscript. Their name for zero was sunya which means blank. First symbolized as dots and later as small circles.
The Arabs translated the sunya into their tongue as sifr which also meant 'empty space. You should see where our word cypher comes from.
The Hindu went on to develop the concept of negative numbers - possibly a frightening concept to the Greeks? Hindu went on to deal with infinity, fractions (as distinct to the ratios of the Greeks), and Irrational Numbers.
China also had counting rods as early as 4th century BC,
The Maya (strictly Mesoamerican) had a base 20 number system and also developed a concept of 'leave a space' but this was in a more limited use - comparable to the Babylonians - than our broad arithmetic of today. In their counting strings, a space means to leave a space.
Much of my info is from The Alphabet Effect by R K Logan.
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Egyptians!!! The concept of zero was invented by the ancient Indians, google 'Shunya'. Also the modern decimal system was invented in ancient India, and passed along to the west by Arabs.
The Hindus helped develop the current number system that we use today. Western culture used the Roman numerals for a long time which are more difficult to do calculations. The Hindus invented the zero!
The first people to use the decimal system and the number zero WERE NOT THE CHINESE! I am learning about this in school. The ancient Hindu's invented them during the Gupta Empire.
0 it is zero zero zero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0 it is zero zero zero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Although the origin of zero is controversial, some historians believe that it was invented by the Babylonians in about 500 BCE. In the sixth century, it was discovered by the Hindus and Chinese, and 700 years later, it reached the Western world via the Arabs. Zero is the only integer (whole number) that is neither positive nor negative. In a sense, zero makes negative numbers possible, as a negative number added to its positive counterpart always equals zero. When zero is added to or subtracted from a number, it leaves the number at its original value. Zero is essential as a position holder in the system known as positional notation. In the number 203, for example, there are two hundreds, zero tens, and three ones. Zero indicates that the value of the tens place is zero. In the number 1024, zero indicates that the value of the hundreds place is zero. Scientists use the term absolute zero (0° Kelvin) to refer to the (unattainable) theoretically lowest possible temperature, at which the kinetic energy of molecules is zero.
The Babylonians first invented the number we ALL KNOW OF as 0
aryabhatta first invented zero in India
R.A Bhatta invented the number zero
Zero wasn't invented by a single known person called aryabtta a Indian scientist.
zero was invented by aryabhatt
It was digits followed by zero
Chinese mathematician Ch'in Chiu - Shao invented the zero in 1247
zero was invented independently in India
R.A Bhatta invented the number zero