The concept of integers, including positive and negative whole numbers, originated in ancient Mesopotamia around 3000 BCE. The Sumerians developed a system of counting using tokens to represent quantities, which eventually evolved into a written numerical system using cuneiform symbols. These early civilizations laid the foundation for the development of integers as a fundamental mathematical concept.
The chinese.
China is the first documented case in 200 BC
The sum of the first 20 integers is 190.
The sum of the first 1,000 integers (whole numbers) is 499,500.
Personally, I use them to count with.
The Chinese and Hindu were the first to use negative integers
The Mayans
The use of integers pre-dates culture. Early hominids would almost certainly have used positive integers to determine how their "gang" compared with the opposition to determine whether it made more sense to fight or hide. Or to communicate how many days' march the good hunting ground was.
i have no clue
Probably the British culture.
The first place to use negative integers was China around 200 B.C
The chinese.
There are several different ways that you can use integers in everyday situations. For example you can use integers in the Winter, you use them with the temperature.
China is the first documented case in 200 BC
The sum of the first 20 integers is 190.