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"It has four sides" is a description that does not guarantee that a quadrilateral is a square.

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Parallelogram with perpendicular diagonals

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Which description does not guarantee that a quadrilateral is a rectangle?

A quadrilateral is not necessarily a rectangle. The only time this is not true is in the case of a square on a quadrilateral without four 90 degree angles.

If a quadrilateral has four congruent sides and its diagonals are congruent then the quadrilateral is a?

A square would fit the given description.

What is the name of a quadrilateral in which the opposite sides are parallel and congruent?

A square is one such quadrilateral that will fit the given description

What type of quadrilateral is both a rhombus and a rectangle?

A square fits that description.

A quadrilateral with 4 congruent sides is?

Either a square or a parallelogram fit this description.

What is a equilateral quadrilateral where all vertices are perpendicular?

A square would fit the given description

Is a regular quadrilateral is both equiangular and equilateral?

A square would fit the given description

What quadrilateral that has all congruent sides and angles?

A square and rectangle all fit this description.

What ia quadrilateral with opposite sides parallel?

A square and a rectangle would fit the given description.

What is quadrilateral where each angles is a right angle?

A square or a rectangle would fit the given description

What do you call a squished square?

It fits the description of a rhombus which is a 4 equal sided quadrilateral that is skewed over

What is a quadrilateral where opposite angles are congruent?

A parallelogram. A square or rectangle would also technically fit this description.