Basically, 58% means 58/100. To get a larger fraction, you can replace any larger number in the numerator - or any smaller number in the denominator.
The fraction would be 58/60 which can be reduced to 29/30.
58 is an integer and there is no sensible way of writing it as a fraction in words.
58% =0.58580/100029/50
Basically, 58% means 58/100. To get a larger fraction, you can replace any larger number in the numerator - or any smaller number in the denominator.
Any fraction greater than 23 can be represented as a proper fraction with a numerator greater than 23. For example, 24/1 is greater than 23. Other examples include 25/1, 26/1, and so on.
6/23 has a magnitude which is less than one and so it cannot be expressed as a fraction whch is greater than 1.
58 is an integer, not a fraction and there is no sensible way to express it as a fraction.
58 * 23 = 1334.
There are infinitely many of them. Any proper fraction, for example 23/5971.There are infinitely many of them. Any proper fraction, for example 23/5971.There are infinitely many of them. Any proper fraction, for example 23/5971.There are infinitely many of them. Any proper fraction, for example 23/5971.
58 is an integer and not a fraction. However, it can be expressed in rational form as 58/1.
23 + 58 = 81
58 + 25 is an integer, not a fraction.
.58 as a fraction is 58/100. In lowest terms it is 29/50.
23 x 58 = 1334